VN - Ren'Py - Blood of the Dragon [v0.1.0] [Twin Axe Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an exciting game that has a lot of potential. I feel that the beginning is a little rushed and relationships could have been explored a bit more but everyone has a preference. Other than that well written, with beautiful renders and great animations. Looking forward to to playing this game in the future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.0
    The first thing that caught my eye in "Blood of the Dragon" were the graphics, which are indeed really good. The visual quality adds a lot to the overall experience. The sex scenes are very sexy, though unfortunately not everything is animated. The scenes that are animated, however, are done extremely well.

    The dialogue in the game is written quite well, with a nice combination of narration, conversation, and thoughts. It helps in keeping the player engaged and adds depth to the storyline.

    The storyline in and of itself seems quite interesting. Not everything is already given at the beginning. U are really joining the MC on a journey, where the MC also does not know a lot. Its very fitting because the MC is a small village boy with little knowledge of the outside world. So right now, its still a mistery but its a very promising start. The pace of the storyline is also nice.

    I'm unsure about the fighting mechanics in the game though. It seems like just attacking is the only thing that really works, making the combat feel simple and somewhat boring. A more complex system would enhance the gameplay experience or just leave it out.

    As for character development, it's promising. Even though this is the first release, you get a good introduction to the characters and the MC. There's potential for deep character arcs as the game progresses.

    Overall, "Blood of the Dragon" has a very promising start. The impressive graphics and well-written dialogue stand out, although the fighting mechanics could use more complexity. Despite being the first release, the character development shows potential. This game is definitely worth giving a try,!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Hmm, a very intriguing start. I love the fantasy elements, and the girls are stunning. The main character is also quite cool. This has great potential for a 0.1 release. Looking forward to seeing more
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    Wow I'm really enjoying Blood of the Dragon! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are so interesting. almira definitely a standout – She's is too gorgeous to be a prostitute.

    The visuals are also impressive. The character models are beautiful, and the environments are well-designed. The animation is too shot but Overall is fine.

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets a 10 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, and the visuals are top-notch. Definitely worth checking out! (y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Version v0.1.0

    + Very interesting setting, I like this universe in general. Somehow it gives me very strong "Conan the Barbarian" vibes (R. Hovard). Probably cause I reread his novels recently, this and "brothel" thing. I mean in Conan's universe there are only 2 things for entertainment - prostitutes & vine))).
    + Stats & battle mechanics (I am a fan of RPG).
    + Beautiful girls
    + Different races for romancing (elfs, orcs, etc even fae)
    + Good writing/dialogues - pretty enjoyable to read.

    - probably LIs will be turned into BI, which:
    a) breaks immersion for me
    b) I am not into lesbian stuff in general.

    I enjoyed playing the game. Not very much of content so far but it's very promising.
    Also I hope LIs won't be forced on us, as if, for example, for some reason I am not into particular girl or race - she won't be forced on me, romantically at least. I am totally fine with a girl being in a game in general.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Story and originality potential. Great Animations. Great Renders. I would highly recommend follows and likes. Good stats & combat system. The Harem system is a definite plus in this. I would recommend a good i-patch or custom relationship system.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.0

    I agree with a lot of the other reviewers on this. There's room for improvement as with most early versions of new games, but this is a pretty solid taste of a very promising fantasy AVN. The overview kind of spoils it a bit honestly as not everything described is even present within this version, but thankfully I didn't read it before going in anyway.

    As far as the VN part of the game goes, I don't have many complaints. I think this first version has served as a great introduction to the game. We learn a bit about the MC, get a taste for the writing, meet some of the love interests, etc etc. It feels competent, looks nice, has good sound design, and has kept me invested with the darker turn the game takes around the end of current content. Even the sex scene and more intimate moments had a nice amount of care going into them.

    My one real nitpick is that I felt there were some scenes that could have used even a few more renders to really hit more. For example, there's a moment where the game describes Mary Beth looking into your eyes before she kisses you. It would have been great to get like a zoom in on her face before she goes in for the kiss, but render wise she kind of just comes in out of nowhere with it.

    The other part of the game is its RPG elements. For one, there's turn based combat. I don't mind it, but currently it's so easy that you could get through all the fights with your eyes closed. They are also all linear in that they (so far) aren't optional and you have to restart if you lose. You also have stats tied to it that increase from winning fights and having sex for some reason. The few choices you can make are mostly just avoiding girls, but I did wonder if I'd be handicapping myself by not sleeping with the prostitute for stat increases.

    I don't know how much this game wants to lean into being an RPG, but right now none of those elements feel particularly impactful maybe is the word? I don't think they are harming the game, but I feel way more could be done with it if that is indeed the route the devs want to take the game.

    All in all though, this did what a good intro/first version should do: getting me hooked and wanting to come back in the future. I actually enjoyed this a lot despite how short it currently is and I'm looking forward to being able to really sink my teeth into it down the line.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The first release was excellent, it was very easy to get immersed into the story. So far all the female characters have been beautiful, and the renders are very high quality. The animations have also been done very well. The setting seems interesting, and the combat mechanics are pretty enjoyable as well. I am looking forward to more!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    For being 0.1.0 its pretty good, its short but so far the story is good and the LIs are sexy.
    I am interested to see what's up with the MC and what this world is like, The renders are pretty good. The combat system is meh so far, never been a big fan of turn based combat in VNs like this so hopefully they add the option to just skip the fight like others have.
    We need a text box option and the UI needs some work, I prefer when I can right click and the save menu pops up instead of a option menu like this VN
    Hopefully updates are steady, it is deff a VN I will be keeping my eye on to see how it progresses.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    • the premise is good.
    • the few characters (personality and renders) I've seen so far are fine.

    • the combat is RPS with different names and a rest option. bleh.
    • and the GUI needs either a text size option, a text box with opacity option, or an ADA-compliant (contrast) option. as it is today, I can't read most of it on my admittedly large, high res screen.
    I'm normally into this kind of thing, and I hope to keep reading/ playing along; but the GUI and combat make that more of a chore than I care for at the moment. I'll check back in later versions to see whether those are addressed. for now... good enough for some, but too annoying for me to put in the work to play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved first chapter ,the pacing and story so far is interesting ,also being a harem lover,harem I welcome with open arms
    It will not please monogamy players and I personally loved the combat , can't wait for next update
    Loved the elf girl even if she is not a real li,hope to see more of her
    Hope the developer keeps this spirit and thanks for share dev ,goes to my watch list
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Though it's very short, what's in their is very solid. Great 0.1 I'd say. Looking forward to see where this goes. Renders are very pretty. The turn based combat is interesting, would love to see new powers and moves. Best of luck. Hope this game is as good in the future updates as well
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    VERSION 0.1.0: Very good, but needs more work, devil is in the details.

    1. Lovely and gorgeous models
    2. Animations are very good, only short and...see CONS
    3. Sound is good, fits and sexual ones are not AI (least from what I could tell)
    4. Writing and structure is good but there are some typos and grammatical errors, some proof reading is needed.
    5. Nice lewd scenes and you don't wait until mid game for the first vanilla one as some developers love doing, so Yay for that
    1. Animations are short and stop while there is action, almost like they were there as an idea but never went all the way. Animations in this kind of game, with these kinds of high quality models are IMO critical, you do the game an injustice not having more. A still here and there are fine, but during lewd scenes there should be more animation, that goes with the sounds, now its only sound and stills...not really great IMO
    2. More still images during sex scenes would be nice, where it actually follows the text. e.g.
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    3. Some images in scenes are not in sequence or do the scene justice, as mentioned more still images are needed to make lewd scene better and review of content is needed, right now it feels half baked IMO.
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    4. As with some scenes where images are not following script, so does sound start with script but images not, silly but should be done right IMO.
    5. Combat (if first combat is indicator) is a waste of time, slows game down, does not provide anything of interest to the VN. No skill is required, its not like a proper DnD game with stats that matter, gear, build etc. IMO, just take it out.
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    6. SUGGESTION: Regarding combat, I would suggest going for something like the system Telltale games employs, where you have ques to push up, down, left or right with timers. Adding maybe a hidden scene into success or just having an option to skip it completely. This could make combat or any scenario more dynamic with potentially alternative outcomes, other than die or live...
    TLDR: Needs some work, a bit of extra here and there, add some refinement and you have potentially one of the best games here. I highly recommend you try it, support the dev (provided they pay attention to critique)
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Digital Pimp

    This is both a great looking game, and a whole helluva lot of fun. I hated to see it end, and can't wait to get back to that world! Good job, Dev! Now we just need a mod to make Mary Beth and Lila "real family" heh.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, I assumed this was another Game of Thrones parody game and almost didn't try it - I'm glad I did. Low fantasy, medieval setting, turn based combat, a quite decent H scene to boot. Check it out, and if you like it enough, toss the dev some money yeah?
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    RPG hentai lover

    Played the demo, feels a lot like Of lust and pride, which is now abandoned unfortunately. But i can definitely say that this has a lot of potential, the story looks good from the way its played out in the demo. The combat feels good though a bit simple. However i think once magic is implemented, it'll be a lot more engaging. I hope there are options to explore areas in the future, be it in traditional rpg way or in a VN way. The characters look good and the H-scenes are erotic as well. Overall, looking forward to how this game progresses. (First time rating a game btw, hope i didn't do too badly?)
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    This was a dope first release. The action scenes are very well done, and I thought the turn based combat was fun too as imo the fights are short and sweet. The writing is high quality and has very few grammar/spelling mistakes. The renders and anims are excellent, and the adult scene is great. It even has sex sound effects which is quite rare. Wish the dev all the best.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    5- star placeholder for now will have to see more to be sure. probably somewhere between 4 and 5

    The writing is well done and the charecters introduced are likeable with a good flow. Dialog seems natural and not edgy or cringe.

    The renders are clean with attractive women. bonus points for not having the same cookie cutter vaginas you see in every daz game hopefully its a trend with different looking ones for each woman.

    There is only 1 animation so far a BJ scene and it is well done with slight lighting change. There is sex in the same scene but for some reason it is not animated but it does have multiple positions and angles aswell as sounds.

    Turn based combat is simple rock-paper-scissors esk though the unwinnable part of the totorial serves no purpose.

    The font is a little too small some textbox options would be a nice addition.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent start, the game has a story that can become quite deep if the dev knows how to develop it, the characters have different personalities that make them unique and the combat system, although it is not the best, it fulfills the objective of the game very well.

    This shows an excellent potential, highly recommended.