VN - Ren'Py - Completed - City of Broken Dreamers [v1.15.0 Ch. 15] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Must play AVN. One of, if not the best I have ever played.

    Story is good, all the girls are hot and charismatic, and the graphics are top tier
    The universe where the game happens is brilliantly done, the game feels very immersive

    SPOILER: Just wished we had a better ending for Sonja, she was my MG
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest adult visual novels I've ever played really nails it when it comes to animation, visuals, music, and user interface. Right from the start, the animation is super smooth and expressive, making the characters feel alive.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a top tier game and fap material. Plot is both interesting as it is erotic, with great animations and graphic. Made in cyberpunk setting with private eye as its main protagonist. You can choose: Contract or honor. Love or money. Sex or clean consciousness.

    It's a must play, if you play AVN's!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good VN, the plot is engaging, but a bit cliché. There are so many sex scenes that they can be annoying, interrupting the flow of the story. Most of them are quite short, but visually well done. In the end, quantity was prioritized over the length of each scene. But hey, who am I to complain? I didn’t make the VN. The story was what kept me hooked until the end. I recommend it; give it a chance.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There wasn't enough alcohol in this city to drown the memories of this nightmare, but I'd damn well try.
    This case would never be closed, I had more questions now than at the start, the irony of being trapped in a postmodern detective story.
    The night opened up to welcome me. I walked into her arms. Roll credits.
    Any good Detective Noir story has quotes. A lot of quotes...
    So let's dissect this story like any detective would do.

    Story: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    City of Broken Dreamers is a detective story based on a cyberpunk setting, with references to the cult classics like Bladerunner and Shadowrun, even one of the founding fathers of the cyberpunk movement is referenced: William Gibson *chef kiss*
    Its well written in general, while small talk can feel uninteresting here and there, we all know we aren't here for that. This is an oportunity for PhillyGames to work on his weak points...Since he can build interesting narratives (the hard part) making small talk interesting shouldn't be any issue for him on his future projects.
    Good Work PhillyGames.

    Characters: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
    Heroines look good according to the context in which they live: A doctor concerned about those who need urgent medical help is not a person who would wear enough makeup to look like a supermodel every day, for a simple matter of pragmatism over hedonism.
    While we can agree that a character like Victoria doesnt look attractive enough for her lore, every heroine has her charm, no doubt.
    However, PhillyGames commited capital sin with two characters: Shanlon and Teri are the most Redhead Blondes I've seen so far.
    But according to my insider, The Redhead Control Bureau (RCB) has issued a [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] alias "PhillyGames" and has extraordinarily granted the title of "honorary redheads" to Shanlon and Teri.
    We wont talk about Katie: She is too good for this dystopian future, they dont deserve her.
    Ellen, the fixer, is refreshing: A blue-haired girl that doesn't have daddy issues...Real Prime.
    The MC, alias "The Ghost" a retired agent who seem to have luck on his side, but he gets his ass kicked sometimes...I like this, it makes him look real, and like any cowboy on a spaghetti western, his luck could run out any minute.

    Mechanics: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    Again, no minigames or puzzles. Awesome.
    Although I wouldn't mind a first-person shooter minigame for the gunplay sections...But that's just me.

    Content: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    Enough renders to make it interesting but not a carnival of flesh.
    The AVN delivers the "adult" part with grace.
    Shanlon & Teri and Chandra & Abby scenes are the jewel of the crown.

    Ending: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    All the main heroines have their own ending. Two of them have a corruption ending that feels appropiate given some circumstances.
    It is logical that a free-spirited person is not willing to commit to a stable relationship so I understand why a couple of them wont have a proper exclusive ending with the MC.

    While a second chapter isn't looking too justified for my taste, I have no doubt PhillyGames is a really talented creator, so I will expect his new projects, because his alias is being linked to high quality writing.

    City of Broken Dreamers is a recommended read to everyone looking for a true novel.

    PS: Can't believe how I totally forgot any mention to The V8 Interceptor, shame on me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    City of Broken Dreamers is one of the best. In fact, this novel is exceptional in every way. The original models, beautiful, attractive, and sexy characters with a full range of personalities and body shapes. The sexual scenes are fantastic, long enough, and done in various positions. The best strength of this part is its kinkiness and avoidance of being vanilla. The music is excellent and fits perfectly with the story's atmosphere. The plot is amazing and can engage the audience on its own. This creator knows what he/she is doing. I’m definitely looking forward to him/ her next work
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much to say, simply one of the best there is.
    When it comes to renders they are high quality, one of the best lighting or maybe the best out of all VNs. Characters diverse and at the same time all of them are visually pleasing.

    From coding side: smooth transitions, custom GUI which is greatly appreciated.

    Story-wise: Got hooked almost from the start, at some point I started skipping lewd scenes, because I just wanted to progress with story haha.

    Depraved Awakening and this one set an example how to make VNs, hats off to PhillyGames. Waiting for another one, hopefully there will be.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story and great writing. The world is well crafted and the art is excellent. Really this game stands on it's own as a visual novel. It doesn't even need the sex. The scenes are good though and the different love interests all feel unique and defined. Game has multiple paths and endings and I played through many and they were all good. Really just a fantastic AVN.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is gold standard for visual novels. The renders are beautiful, the girls are great and have their own personality. Your choices matter in a story that is extremely well written and exciting. It really catches the Cyberpunk-vibes (and I loved the genre before Cyberpunk 2077 nearly ruined it and then made it cool). Hard to find anything better and I really hope devs will continue their great work!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    WOW! A movie in slideshow format and I mean that in a positive way. (y)
    Every scene looks so damn good and has an absolutely high quality, including shadow and post-processing effects, depth of field and particle effects that you could easily use every image as wallpaper.

    The music in the game is also perfectly staged. There were moments when I just let the song with the current scene play for 5 minutes without clicking any further because it created such a good atmosphere.

    I really hope that the developer/creator delivers what is promised (as many characters in the game more than obviously say and also give reasons for it like Todd) at the end of the game. That this is not the end and that you will see everyone again.

    In the end, I wish I could have chosen Chandy :love: and Abby :love: as the LI ending. The two characters broke me the most. Especially the last scene with them - I would have loved to never get up again and stay in bed with them forever - if I had the chance to do so as a player. :giggle:
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't know why does this game have 5 stars.
    The dialogues were useless and repetitive most of the time and sometimes cringy. The characters are ugly and I don't know why would the dev chose to do that, they clearly can make good looking ones. The MC felt like a spectator to me I was looking forward to john wick type MC too bad. Finally the choices were unclear and useless most of the times why even bother.
    this game gets 1 star for Chandra.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Feds Suck This White Cock


    Hands down the best experience I ever had with a Novel.
    Great MC, great characters, very good characterization (could have worked a little more with it because it makes no sense that every girl has no problem being naked in front of MC and the other girls), great musics too (2 of them especially, Beyond Memory and Doves).

    H-Scenes, great. There were a lot of scenes and even though I would have liked if there were even more, what I would have liked the most was there being scenes with the main antagonist (you can't give me hope by letting us see her masturbating while screaming our name and then nothing), which I'm not going to spoil the name of.

    I dunno how all the endings are but I got the one with Gloria and it was great, there's just one problem which I'm going to explain now.
    So for some reasons the game pushes you to follow Gloria's route, and nothing bad 'till here, problem is that MC has "special" relationships even with other girls, especially with Ellen and Katie. The game other than pushing for Gloria route really seemed to push at the same time for Katie and Ellen so 3 together... Which is bad. I don't quite like this decision because it doesn't make sense in terms of characterization (but it may just be me so I didn't count this at all in the final rating).
    At the end of the game, now again I'm talking about Gloria ending, you have the chance to fuck other characters, which I'm not going to spoil, but that doesn't make sense because you take much before a choice that BLOCKS other routes and point I want to make is, you said several times that you love Gloria, why tf would you cheat on her? I don't judge it but it makes no sense to me.

    Another 3 problems, Red Moon guy at the end, everyone that played the game knows what I'm talking about. You don't talk out a guy like that. He got convinced BEFORE you showed him proof... I won't spoil anything. Who played understood.
    Another problem, sound... This is a HUGE problem for eroge games. It doesn't need to be voiced and it doesn't need to have moans but AT LEAST sex-sound... I mean any eroge needs to HAVE them, otherwise H-Scenes don't feel the same at all.
    Least but not last at the end of the game, this is no spoiler so no worries, while you fight you have the choice to either shoot most of your ammos or to throw your LAST grenade... I decided to shoot the ammos and to use the last grenade later in case it was needed, problem is that it seems like MC totally forgot he had a grenade...

    Overall the game is nearly perfect, the animations are good and I'm gonna replay it now, using MODs of course, so that I can see what the other choices take you at.

    Congrats to the DEV for making this. The amount of time he put behind everything, especially the animations (not talking about the H-scenes) is unbelievable and makes everything just better.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 1.15.0
    SUMMARY: Very good, story driven VN with brilliant models.

    1. Models are gorgeous, some are obviously more attractive than others, but this is entirely subjective, I found only a handful really appealed to me though.
    2. Animations are very nice, physics and effects are impressive.
    3. Story and writing are excellent, it flows very nicely, pacing is very good and apart from the scifi elements it very realistic.
    4. Game length is good and there is plenty of "playtime"
    5. Significant impact of choices makes them more meaningful.
    1. Animations are a bit short, making the loops often a bit apparent and noticeable.
    2. Vanilla in terms of lewd, there is not much variety and this game could easily have incorporated even the more shall we say "twisted" or more kinky lewd.
    3. On point 2, the depravity system didnt really make much of an impact for me, not noticeably at least in my play through. This could have worked very nicely into the more "depraved" lewd I mentioned in the above point. To me this is wasted opportunity that could have made this game a much more adult VN.
    4. Continuing on the above points, adding more options like pregnancy would have made the game also better IMO, especially since the MC has the option to dump his load in the woman often and not all woman would be on contraceptives (realistically speaking) making this a very viable option and either complicating the story and by extension making it more interesting and having different endings. In some cases even very interesting endings with potential future implications e.g., knocking up Gloria.
    TLDR: Very good game in general, kudos to the developer, though I would have liked more variety, its the future and people are already so depraved, it would have been worse in the future and the depravity system would have tied in nicely into that.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A flawed masterpiece! Engaging story, awesome setting and beautiful renders. NSFW scenes are a bit too short sometimes and the story drags a little sometimes, but it is a great great great game!

    The models are extremelly gorgeous, MC is a giga chad, just play the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This VN would deserve a 5/5 for its writing, the great quality of its renders and animations, the variety of girls and LIs, each with a different personally. So, again, it would deserve a 5/5 for being one of the top-notch VNs here on F95 if only:

    • The story would have been consistent from start to finish. Most of the second half of the game focuses on getting the maximum of sex scenes with a maximum of women, not on the story anymore. If I had to guess why, I would say this VN was initially made for 10 chapters, but the developer being as successful as he is on Patreon, he added 5 more, sex-filled, just to please all the demands.

    • The story would be really completed, because at this stage it’s clearly not, and it calls for an episode 2. I mean, the protagonists still have to hide, the evil Corp is now an even bigger evil Corp, and the segregation is still there, life in Mil-Town will not change anytime soon.

    • The 6 endings were real endings. They feel rushed, you get to fuck your LI one more time and that’s it, The End. And if you don’t have any LI, you don’t even have the choice to get an ending with your wife Sonja except for the fact that they mention that they don’t want to divorce. And no ending for Chandra and Abby either, I guess it was too much to ask.
    Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed playing this VN, especially because, for once, the choices matter a lot, the mod is not enough to see all the different paths, I recommend using both the mod and the PDF walkthrough at the same time if you want to see everything. But as I said I couldn’t give it a 5/5 because it’s not perfect, and 4.5/5 is not possible so my only choice was 4/5, sorry Philly.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is seriously one of the best games I have ever played might be even the best. The story is connected together to the best level. And the choices here impact the game strongly not just a slight branch that gets into the same line again. And the characters are good and so damn well chosen for their task in the game. This game is truly a masterpiece and the best VN I have ever played.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I will start off by saying that this game is like something straight out of a movie lasting more than a day's worth of gameplay. Amazing plot line that is filled with twists and turns, without getting boring but attracts you into the story even more. The animations are pretty good and same goes for details (shading, character design) / renderings. However, I feel that the design of the MC is bland, (bald, no face reveal, etc). The endings are also I feel a bit too short, could be maybe expanded on a bit more with each character or the lone wolf path as well. Despite the small cons, I believe this game is completely deserved a high rating and worth the try.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Thank you for an unbelievably wild ride Philly! I loved every moment of the game from start to finish! Sad to see it end but.... wow! Desert island pick for sure. Thanks again for your incredible work and all the best going forward.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The ambience, music, renders and animations are high quality/well fitting.
    It's a shame the writing went downhill during the second part of the story, it feels like the LIs lost their personalities and a lot of sex scenes were there just to fill the "lewd quota".
    The lack of closure in the end was also a bit disappointing...
    An honest rating would be something like:
    Graphics, ambience and music: 5/5
    Writing: 3/5.
    All in all, it's a really good AVN, well above average.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The graphic, animations and renders are one of the best I've seen.
    Also, good UI and music - I would rate it 5 stars easily.
    But, the story-line bored me so much that I haven't even finish the game.
    so I'll give it 1/5 for the story, and 5/5 for the rest.