VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Depth's Revival [Harem finale] [Seacth]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Paul Kagame Superfan

    If you want good and simple harem story, play it, you wont be disapointed. There is a good amount of group sex and pregnancy content, you will see relationship dynamic in a group and some renders and animations, especially by the end, are top notch. Some plot elements leave me confused, and I can't say there is something exceptional about the story, that's why only 4 stars, but other then that, very competently made novel, my recommendations.
  2. 3.00 star(s)



    1. Хорошие Анимации .
    2. Красивые персонажи с хорошей фигирой )).
    3. Неплохая фоновая музыка .
    По сюжету сложно что то сказать ибо с англ у меня плохо )) геймплея почти нет это визуальная новелла !

    1. выбор действий максимально ограничен ты выбераешь разве что оплодотворить ли девушку или нет ! или же хочешь ли ты иметь отнашение с это девушкой или нет !! вот и все взаимодействия
    2. Очень быстрый тайм скип !! буквально бах и уже все беременны и на 8-9 месяце ну типо ок !!

    Eng translate:

    1. Good Animations.
    2. Beautiful characters with a good figure)).
    3. Good background music.
    According to the plot, it's hard to say something because I'm not good with English)) There is almost no gameplay, this is a visual novel!

    1. the choice of actions is as limited as possible, except that you choose whether to impregnate a girl or not! or do you want to have a relationship with this girl or not!! That's all the interactions
    2. Very fast time skip!! literally bang and everyone is already pregnant and at 8-9 months, well, like OK!!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It was fine until chapter 6...

    It's main focus is on getting revenge on Lera's at-the-time boyfriend (who becomes an ex off screen) for physically beating her. Well...

    1. While they were together long enough to develop feeling, she was never intimate with him during the entirety of their relationship, as confirmed by her not denying at most he got a peck on the cheek.
    2. He understandably cheated on her, with one of her models no less, as she refused to tend to his needs. She completely ignored his needs and when he got them met elsewhere, suddenly it's a problem. I'm not defending him, he's also a piece of shit.
    3. She initiated the abuse. She admittedly beat him first, proudly at that, yet is painted as the innocent victim. What she should have done, and what would have been an opportunity to be sympathetic towards her situation is: she should have fired her model and broken up with him after he beat her. Instead of, you know, attacking him and her model.
    4. Towards the end of the chapter there is a choice to either call it a night, closing of her romance path, or a sex scene. She's willing to jump on the MC's dick after throwing one punch, but refuses to kiss her boyfriend, whom she developed feeling for, on the lips...
    The only good things from chapter 6 is Kaylie in a dress that makes her look even hotter than ever and a scene with Melinda. Clearly written by a SIMP with a fantasy of being Capitan Saveahoe, taking out her ex with a single blow. Chapter 6 has completely changed my opinion of this VN for the worse with it's horrible story.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice harem VN!! Sex scenes are great and if you are on pregnancy fetish. Well this is definitely for you :) I'm not into graphics for games and other stuff. But I think it is really well made and I could give it 5/5

    I'm not into VN. But this game kinda change my opinion on some VN. I hope you could make a playable game of this like a sandbox game. :)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall 2 star game.Just models are average.story is just bullshit of talking with this imaginary voice in head .no closeup creampie scenes .Need to work on these areas to make it way better .Dev needs to clean his brain and work on skills to develop better games than this one.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    this game was on its way to becoming a classic must-play for anyone who is a Harem Fan great LIs, Drama in the story came mostly from outside the family, and choices to tailor kinky side content to the player's wants.

    Sure it had some hick ups along the way programming-wise, but which game hasn't.
    Renders are clean, and the Lis are diverse and beautiful.

    It was an all-around enjoyable Harem romp. Even one without any girl-on-girl stuff from the main cast. I would have given it 5 starts. Like I said in the beginning it was underway to be a must-play.

    But then Neil Druckmann's ghost, curse upon his soul, somehow possessed the Dev and gave us this finale. (No idea how Neil does it he's still alive for god's sake)

    The Final update is akin to a kid flipping the table after someone is close to a kid who has to leave soccer to go home, stabbing the ball so the others can't play anymore. Or casually walking into the room and flipping the table while the rest of the family sits at dinner.

    the game still gets 2 stars because despite my massive disappointment I can't bring myself to give the game 1 star even if that's how I feel about it now.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The girls are interesting visually, but are not very different each one from another. And they are a lot, but not too much. All girls are either in the main harem, side girls, or late additions to the harem, except one which is totally written for the main story events, but happens too late in the story.

    What is "lacking" is :
    - the harem: it's good but there is no tension. At the moment it appears, it is easy and accepted by every girl. That's missing the point of a harem. And it's too bad because at the very start of the harem, two girls (mother and teacher) were competing. That tension should have been explored a lot more and used to create some interesting stakes.
    - Sex scenes. Numerous, they are, sure. But all the scenes are blowjob/titjob/vaginal/handjob, except one so it's lacking diversity/originality and there are only a few number of scenes where it's more than 1 girl at the time.

    Otherwise, the game goes directly for its purpose, and avoid slow and uninteresting scenes. It's a quality in itself, but would need more refining for a better score.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Ive been following the game for a while it was never great or special, it was just a typical harem game with HS graphics like there are hundreds around, those you just need to turn off your brain a bit to actually enjoy and can't really take seriously.
    The game was decent at delivering that for a while, there are some plots and women that make it a bit interesting but taking into consideration all the renders/writing/dialogs/ story, it was just a decent 3* game or maybe 4* if you are a harem fan.
    Now, after so many years the game is finally over, with one of the worst, badly implemented and no build up/ out of nowhere endings I've seen. Honestly it doesn't even fell real, like its a joke, but its not, that's the ending.
    I can't, in good conscience, recommend anyone to invest their time in a story that is going to end like that, specially when the rest isn't even that great either. Id say just ctrl skip and jack off to the sex scenes if you like the women in the preview pics but dont bother with the rest, it's not worth it.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I was hooked at the begining of the game by the materialisation of the unconsiousness of the MC. I endured the poor script quality hoping it would improve over time. But it doesn't and become more and more ridiculous with time.

    Only thing improving are the visuals, a lot of animations and sex scenes improve too, that's it. It becomes unbearable.

    2 stars for the visuals and some good FAP materials after chapter 3. You can simply skip all content between sex animation and only enjoy it
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Decent game overall, but pregnancy choices are fake. Play if you enjoy harem and pregnancy. Play halfway if you enjoy harem, but not pregnancy. Don't play at all if you dislike both, or enjoy harem but not leaving a game unfinished.

    It's a pretty decent harem game that is just barely above average in most aspects. If you like maledomesque harem, definitely give it a try.

    The actual content I believe is worth 4 stars, but I'm making it three, because in the first few chapters, the game offers options about cumming inside or outside with flavour text that suggests it will make the difference between pregnancy or not.
    Suffice it to say, that it does not.

    Now, I'm not a fan of pregnancy content, but let it be clear that I'm subtracting a star for the fake choices, not the fetish.

    That said, let this be a warning for those of you who enjoy the harem genre, but do not have a pregnancy fetish: I suggest you stop playing after the six month timeskip, or simply not play at all.

    There's plenty of content to enjoy before that timeskip, but afterwards it's all pregnancy, all the time. With every single woman in the game.
    And that's kind of a shame, because after skipping through all those scenes I saw some pretty good ones that, for me, were simply ruined by the massive baby bellies
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a solid average game. Renders are decent, story starts off more interesting but loses steam as the interactions with the girls take over, a lot of sex scenes with meh quality.

    Where the game shines is it's genuine commitment to harem content. It tries to build a harem somewhat realistically (for harem porn game standards) and it gives you a whole story of harem. None of that BS where the harem is only for a short period around and including the ending.

    For harem fans 100% jump in and enjoy. For anyone else? Eh. There's worse games on here for sure.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I had to lower this a star since i just replayed it and found out that you if you dont pick ALL girls game will have no ending, it says no more content wth xxx solo path yet but issue is game is complete so dev desided to fuck the fans leaving them hanging without finishing the game for solo paths.

    Normaly i like most harem games, but i want to be able to build my harem as i see fit, problem with this one is you cant pick freely and if you dont pick all you wont have a harem game but a single LI game.

    The story is about average, no real twist just the standard incest and girls trowing them selfs at MC, so a bit boring but the pregnancy and decent virgin scenes could make up for that.

    I hate big or huge tits, its just a huge turn-off to me personaly so i would never pick those types ever, so this game is more for those that like young and old, big and small, ugly and saggy and i am just not into everything dont think many is but who knows, thats why i want to pick who joins the harem.

    I also hate when LIs are forced on you as the player and it feels even more stupid in this one since some that are forced can be dumped later, which can only make you wonder why they where forced in the first place, but dumping them later just wont fix anything, by that time ive already lost interrest in the game from the forced scenes.

    Normaly i never go above 2 stars with games that forces LIs or kinks on the player but this one is one of the few, if not the first ill go above 2.

    Reason for this is that it has a really nice pregnancy part in the game, but at the same time it has the problem with the forced harem if you want a harem and when you dont want a forced one you wont see much to it.

    Animations are pretty good, even has virgin/deflower scene with a bit of blood, its pretty rare and also one of the reason i went 1 star up.

    Theres a good amount of content as well.

    I would proberly have given this 5 stars if you could build a harem of your choice and if no one was forced on you.
  13. 5.00 star(s)



    A really great Harem game for those who prefer a lot of lewd scenes rather than the story. Because this game surely has a very simple plot and is mainly focused on the lewd scenes and the harem aspect more.

    There are a lot of LI's who are really cute and beautiful and all of them are optional. You can either have a single girl or a harem, simple as that.

    The amount of content till now is really high, if anyone likes to play games for lewd content alone, without really giving any thought about story this is for them since we get a scene very frequently.

    Overall a really good game for Harem lovers who love a game with simple heartwarming story, beautiful LI's and a lot of lewd scenes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is straigtht up the best harem game on the site. This is also the one if you are looking for a good pregnancy fetish game.

    I generally tend to dislike harem stories because they tend to never go all the way where all the girls actually want to be the MCs harem. But this one takes it all the way. You can even get all of the pregnant. It is good in every other aspect too, so you can enjoy the harem aspect without getting distacted.

    This is not an all around great VN, but if you want one that mainly focuses on harem while also having other "taboo" fetishes, this is the one to play.
  15. 2.00 star(s)



    at best this game is a 3 star but for me just a two.
    downloaded this for the N side of VN and found both lacking.

    no plot beyond a basic harem/incest story. as run-of-the-mill as it gets.

    the art is HS which means if you have played one before with this art you will see nothing new. HS lacks imagination and variety. cosmetics can be changed but scenes are cut and paste. played many so has zero appeal for me.

    the writing/dialogue is not great but not bad either. with no plot to build on it does a serviceable job in delivery. no hook so just comes across as a bit dull.

    no coding errors so that was a plus.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Depth's Revival [Ch. 9 Part 3] [Seacth]

    I finally managed to catch up on this game.

    This game has everything I like

    Harem + incest + romance + pregnancy

    There are of course a few things that could be way better.

    The dev should really hire a proof reader.
    Another one would be that the three side girls have not enough content.

    Otherwise very good.
    MC cares alot about his girls and genuinely loves them.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Just another subpar game in a sea of similar titles. Harem, incest (with the patch, of course), making everyone pregnant, MC is a Gary Stu that has women falling at his feet and never fails, so on and so forth. You know the deal.

    Much like other games of this ilk the writing is incredibly stilted, the sex is boring, the characters are one-dimensional, and the grammar is shaky at best.

    Also, and this is entirely a nit-pick on my part, the MC's dick looks weird. The shaft is weirdly narrow and the head is disproportionately big compared to the rest. The scenes where you can see it from the side are particularly nightmare-inducing.

    In conclusion, I don't think it's worth the read. Other games have done what this one attempts better.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    So many things could have done better and made more sense.
    This game by design is fucked beyond repair.
    If dev decides to do a 180 one some of the writing decisions it is salvageable.
    My suggestion is just remove the whole fucking "i aM yOuR SuBcoNsCioUs HURR DURR!!" thing. You dont even need to remove Serena. Just make her a demon or succubus or some shit, that can read your mind and give you minor superpowers. I guarantee you that would be less cringe than this.
    Having said that. Oh boy where do i start with this game.
    First time i played one of the earlier versions, it made me so mad, I was instantly gonna rate this 1/5 and throw it into trash.
    I was like hey lets not be that harsh.
    Lets wait couple more updates. let it marinate.
    "Let him cook", if you will. But holy fuck it got worse.

    I was hoping this new update would fix some of the most basic grammar errors. Mainly "your""you are""yourrearer!!!!!". And i had a dream, where some of the dumbest fucking plot points were re-written. But its was a long shot.
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    who the fuck wrote this shit.
    I remember trying it out just for the pregnancy content and gritting my teeth, just powering through painfully cringe writing. Then i remembered, why did i stop playing it in the first place. Even if you overlook all the stupid shit, the writing , the pacing,the characters, the character models, boring ass plot line. even if you forgive all of that. game feels so unfinished.
    Now before you say "Duh, it is v0.00something ofcourse its unfinished"
    What im trying to say by unfinished,
    if the game had chapters. And lets say chapter one was from start - till MC got hit by Lera's car. Even the supposed finished "chapter one" feels half baked. It looks still under construction.
    Thats why i stopped playing before;
    -Hoping they would re-visit and polish early game.
    -3-4 updates later, I try it out again.
    -I see nothing fucking changed. Even the immersion breaking backpack glich from earliest version still there.

    For all of its worth, there was an attempt. This almost looked like a great game from its cover. Taking care of your pregnant ladies and such..
    Being a good responsible father etc..
    But nah.
    To even reach to that point you are constantly wrestling with shit plot.
    Well thats life i guess.
    I wish it was worth the effort,time and money.
    With some polish here and there this game can make 3/5 tops.
    Not more, not less.
    When that happens i will change my rating.
    Will it happen? I don't know.
    Maybe next year.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version [Ch. 9 Part 2]
    (incest patch enabled)
    (all girls harem impregnation route)

    Disclaimer: I play games with the full intent of enjoying the games for what they are so I try to stay away from hard suggestions and do my best to appreciate what is given. Deeper dive into aspects I like was too long and contain minor spoilers so I tagged them "minor spoiler".

    TL;DR: Not that deep, English decent up until more recent content where it's a bit rough, like 3/4ths of the game is sex scenes, mostly light hearted and simple, good models, great harem and impregnation. Play with that in mind and it should be enjoyable unless you're expecting much more.

    With that said, this is absolutely a porn logic fantasy (as in wish fulfillment) harem game. Most choices are reserved to whether you want to pursue a girl or not and whether you will impregnate them along with some minor visual changes and sex scene options such as if/who will participate and watch and what hole you're using. Choices seem developed, but I can't speak too much on it since I didn't deviate from my desired route for very long before reloading a save as it's not my interest. If you're looking for a deep story and realism then you seriously won't get it here, it's mostly a fuck fest and it does it very well. You fuck A LOT in this version and though I didn't have a speedrun time splitter, it felt like watching sex scenes most of the time and that's great if that's what you'd like to see. I definitely enjoyed it when that's what I decided to focus on. The start felt very rough and tense and I can't say I was the biggest fan, but it wasn't egregious and getting through it was well worth it for what came later, BUT if you mainly care about the sex scenes then it's easy enough to breeze by it as it isn't that deep and there is A LOT of porn worth seeing if you fundamentally like honey select models. Even if you generally dislike honey select, I'd still recommend it as they feel a lot more unique and well made than most others I've seen that have this lingering feeling of nostalgia because they have the same face of main girls from like 6 other games I've played (I like them anyways but that ain't an issue here).There's not much more to it than that, but there are three things that stood out to me and made me want to review it.

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    I may be looking into things way more than necessary, but I enjoyed it regardless. If you go into the game with tempered expectations and the right mindset for this kind of game then I hope you'll feel the same way.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2553135

    One of the best harem games out there.

    Love Interests: The love interests are varies, and all of them are likable. Their models are well done.

    Sex Scenes: This game has fantastic sex scenes. They are hot and intimate to the LI and MC. Additionally, this game has some of the best group scenes (it is extremely rare for group scenes not to go into a bi-fest, but this game pulls it off extremely well).

    Renders: For a HS game, the renders are well done.

    Choices: As of right now, there is only a harem path, so there is not much in terms of choices for LIs. However, for different things (lesbian, eye color, weight, etc.), the game respects the choice you choose, which is great.

    Story: The story is weakest part of this game. There is just little bits of drama thrown here and there that are quickly resolved (sometimes too quickly that it does not too much sense i.e. drug addiction). It is not bad as the story is not the main attraction.

    Overall, one of the best harem games out there. The story is the weaker side but makes up with the harem side of things.