VN - Others - Completed - Diviner Knight Towako ~Wicked Incubus Breaker~ [Final] [Black Lilith]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I like it.

    The story isn´t special but good enough I like all the different powers and creatures they look good.

    Music is good most tracks atleast.

    The sex scenes were good some were too long though.

    The character.

    Towako was cute I like how bratty she was.

    Ryumei could have been used more but he was fine.

    Reika was very cute I love her eyepatch.

    Rodrigo she was likeable, wish she would have been addresed less as a man and more as a woman as she said that she prefers that.

    The villains were a bit meh.

    Koso was the best villain, I liked his motivation.

    Yuyami was just kinda pathetic, and I wish she didn´t have big tits, her whole body is so slender and with small boobs she would have looked more creepy and it would fit more because she is always called snake or crow.

    Mitao or whatever his incubi name was boring.

    Byron had funny moments but not interesting, and his face looks kinda racist why did he need those lips, but maybe that was just my thought.

    But I would recommend it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I may be giving this game a harsher rating than others but its mainly because of the story and not the hentai itself. Sometimes, I know its best to turn your brain off when reading these sorts of visual novels but then you have to stop and think about the logic that happens at times.

    • The action scenes are very well written despite there only being a few of them. Lilith is good at this sort of thing.
    • Reika is a very competent butler. She gets branded because she has a soft spot for kids and wouldn’t expect that a demon would take the form of a child that has been around the library for months on end waiting for the perfect opportunity to capture her.
    • The h scenes are great and have Lilith’s training aspect at its highest.
    • There is a trans character in this game and she’s portrayed to be a competent and reasonable person. She’s the key to getting the best ending of the three available.
    • Good ending isn’t a happy ending, but the broken family is able to make amends with themselves.
    • Game is too short. There’s only two options in the game where one leads to an immediate gameover while the other one takes time to trigger.
    • Towako is a faux action girl. She’s stated to be one of the strongest exorcists in the game but she struggles in every fight she’s in. The villain of the game only loses because of her ego and not finishing her off sooner. In the good ending, she only beats the villain due to the villain motive rant while she charges up for a powerful attack.
    • The villain is incompetent overall when you look at her method. Her goal was to kill everyone in the Abe family but struggled to find Towako after she abandoned her family and went under a different name to live a normal life. Because she struggled, she went after someone related to lure her out, but instead of killing her like the traitor wanted, the villain believes training her like her teacher was the better option. Seeing how easy it is to get the normal ending shows how poorly planned out things were.
    • Kendo disappears after the decision that affects the ending. Apparently, being told to fuck off by his crush who is clearly suffering in that moment is enough for him to not want to help Towako or Reiko despite the latter being kind to him. It comes off as petty.
    • Racist undertones how the villain’s right hand trainer is a black man to go with the racial porn.
    • Transphobic slurs thrown at trans people but fortunately it doesn’t mean much when the demons get their just desserts.
    • Ending hangs on a cliffhanger. The villain wasn’t defeated as the sudden asspull that the snake spirit was the true villain and the female villain was just a puppet. The snake talks about how her boss will revive itself one day and makes her escape leaving it open to a sequel, but given how Lilith is with making sequels to non Asagi games, it’s unlikely the story will continue.
    • One of the endings requires you to make every bad decision. While this isn’t a bad thing, the fact that the beginning dialogue affects the ending versus just one option (Kendo being petty) means having to zip through everything.

    Again, if you ignore some of the logic of how incompetent Towako is or how stupid the villain is, its a good adventure. But replaying the game with the animations just made me overthink about how a lot of this could have been avoided. And unlike with Asagi series, there is no way to reverse the training done to the two girls and they have to live with the changes to their bodies.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A great game, maybe my favorite of the Black Lilith "heroine gets corrupted" nukage (of which Taimanin Asagi is the prototype). It's main 'selling point' compared to those other games is the hyper focus on the slow mental corruption of the main heroine.

    It's only weaknesses are it's relatively short length (probably roughly comparable to the first Taimanin Asagi game but shorter than some modern ones), and it's fairly 'extreme' content (toilet stuff).

    Hopefully one day Taimanin Kurenai will gets translated and we can see the 2nd "ZOL does TA" game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Yup yup, This is a Black Lilith game in line with Taimanin, Kangoku Senkan, and others with that formula. It is very much shorter than those other ones, but it still manages to hit all the points. Nice intro, get to know the heroines and their relationships, corruption process, final payoff.

    If you are like me and only care about the bad ends, the routing seems very simple here. I followed a walkthrough and got the "best" bad end on my first run. That revealed all of the gallery except 3 at the end which seems to be the other endings. Cross referencing with CG rips found online, one scene looks to be the "bad" bad ending and the other 2 pictures are probably from the good ending where you beat the enemies. Based on that, I didn't feel the need to do the other runs.

    Art: Kagami god and ZOL. Legends.
    Voice: Great VA. Fits the characters perfectly and nice sex voices.
    Plot: Pretty much JoJo's bizzare adventure lol
    Dialogue: Classic Black Lilith male dom.

    Scat warning though. 2 scenes with it.
    Likes: Suit
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. There is a bit here for every kink almost, except for a few mainstream ones like pregnancy and MILF and NTR you got the whole package with this one.

    Translation is great, could not find a single typo or misplaced word and the phrasing is excellent. That comes from a non-native english speaker so maybe take my opinion with a grain of salt.

    This along with the story makes for an interesting game. The story is not exactly awesome, the universe is not very well explained and there are some plot holes here and there. A noticeable predicament I have with the story is that they play with dreams, almost in an Inception kind of way. You have to wonder if whats happening is inside a dream or in real life sometimes, as well does the heroines. I personally dislike this but it may be cool for others.
    If you just need to get to know the MCs, and the drama between them, it does that very well though.

    Art is great, some of the best of this era as to be expected of a lilith game.
    Soundtrack is awesome. Good environmental tracks but the H-scenes tracks is where lilith games really tend to shine with the music IMO, and this is no exception. So sexy and sassy.
    Voice acting is also spot on, every voice fits every character near perfectly.

    This game truly shows the divide from older Lilith games and how much they have improved, this is one of the first steps into the modern VNs by Lilith. All it needed for a perfect rating was animations and bit more flexed out universe, like we see in other games of the same developer. One could hope they will make an animated edition at some point. Recommended for everyone, though beware that most scenes with extreme kinks are unavoidable like scat and vore, as well as rape.