Ren'Py - Hero Party Must Fall [v0.5.1] [Nitrolith]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't reviewed much but damn this game. It's too good. Man deserves all of the support that he gets for this project. Now I will ramble on about nothing so that I can reach the required 200 characters for a review.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played about 1/4 of this game

    And I must say
    The writing is amazing
    I usually like getting cucked or femboy stuff
    So I project myself towards Erin(although he's a little brat)
    But it just so hard to hate Mars even if I was Erin

    Besides what Mars is assign for
    He is basically a "after sex therapy" for the whole fucking party

    The title is so misleading (Jk
    What do you mean"Hero party must fall"?
    This party couldn't exist without Mars!

    Sera is a poor and pure soul didn't know how to express her feelings or communication.

    Erin may be a spoil brat, but he believes in good deeds in ppl even in his darkest moment

    And for Cecille......

    Yes, she's a crazy bitch

    But I can see her personality and reasoning.
    For someone born to be a breeding machine for Hero

    I can understand why she crave for power, power to determine her life, to even power to take control of others

    She's the type would be a tyrant (but in somewhat good way) if not for the circumstances.

    There's so many sub-characters I want to talk about but that's for it now

    I just support the creator

    Really nice game
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    When I first went through the game I expected typical bland characters with little to no dialogue between each other, And that they lean heavily towards a singular trait such as sex crazed or sadistic main character, And a holy priestess that cannot even look in man's direction.
    Despite the game following the generic style of story telling about the demon king vs the righteous hero, It felt more complex and realistic.
    characters feel like actual human beings when interacting/fucking each other, At least that's the case between the two main characters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute masterpiece and genuinely worth a slow play where you actually pay attention to the dialogue.

    Went into this wanting to jerk off to some big tits but I ended up in a very well written plot and extremely complex characters. About halfway through I was more interested in the story than just jerking off to the porn.

    This is shaping up to be an actual 10/10 visual novel. The protagonist and antagonist are both right and wrong in their own ways and recognize this. I thought I'd go into the game believing it's NTR slop but it really was not and by the end I ended up wanting to toss all the hoes aside and just take Erin.

    Masterpiece. More Erin content pls.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, thoughts after finishing version 0.5.1 as my first playthrough:
    1. PLOT - The story begins with a typical NTR premise (though you're the one doing the cucking) involving a curse of pleasure, a damsel in distress, and blah-blah-blah. However, it's way deeper and more complicated than I expected. As you progress, you realize that you're not just playing a one-dimensional villain leading humanity to doom for the sake of evil demons(which I initially assumed this game would be about). The situation is way more nuanced, and the more you play, the more "gray" it becomes and you start to understand the struggles on both sides. Interestingly, the MC often seems less like a mastermind and more like a pawn trapped in a scenario beyond his control like all the other characters. This dynamic feels fresh and exciting, especially given the nature of the game - you're constantly on edge, always in danger, always gambling with your life. It doesn't give you the sense of being all-powerful Chad Thundercock, which I found surprisingly appealing.

    2. THE CHARACTERS - The main characters are very well-written, especially in the first act. The protagonist is complex and engaging, with inner turmoil, scars from the past, difficult decisions, and heavy responsibilities. I appreciated the depth of his character. The pillow talk with Ceci was a highlight, and I loved the development with Elena. However, from a story perspective, I would have liked the option for a less extreme outcome with Elena, where you could work things out after Mars shows vulnerability. But of course, I get it's a porn game first and foremost with some pretty wild content. You gotta make some sacrifices to keep things manageable and not bite off more than you can chew.

    3. NSFW - The scenes are excellent. The art is well done, and the animations improve as the game progresses. There's a lot of maledom, some femdom, and a fair amount of humiliation.

    4. Complaints - In the latter half, the events can feel a bit disjointed, making it unclear what actions you should take to maintain an organic flow. For example, if I want to pursue Erin's route, should I complete all of Ceci's training? Some of it? None at all? Since Erin is involved in Ceci’s training, it doesn’t make sense to skip them entirely, but doing too much might lock you into Ceci’s route instead. Should I focus on the femdom content first then? But if I do, there'd be no build-up for the corruption? This kind of stuff confused me a bit.

    5. Overall: A solid 4/5 game for me as of now. If the bugs are fixed and placeholders are completed, it would easily be a 5/5, and I believe in Dev so I'm just gonna give it preemptively. Amazing job - enjoyed the game immensely.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Because of how good this game is, it will make you realize how selective you must be with what you call a 5/5. It's like the first time you watch a masterpiece of an anime and think, "Oh, so this is a 10/10..."

    This game is unfinished and has a few janky mechanics as a result, but that's to be expected with an unfinished game that has certain aspects yet to be completed.

    The art, the story, the characters, the h-scenes—everything is a 5/5.

    Cecille is easily one of the best FMCs I've seen in an h-game, and Mars is one of the best MCs. The side characters are also well-developed and serve their purpose in the story. The game features amazing corruption, scenes, and art. I can't praise it enough.

    You can tell a lot of love went into making this game. It transcends typical h-game expectations, feeling like a professionally made game that's in beta with some unfinished features.

    Cecille is incredibly hot, and watching her corruption is incredibly hot. This is one of only two games to which I've given a 5-star rating, showcasing how selective I am. Cecille is probably the best original female character in any h-game, and by original, I mean not from an existing franchise. I think Mars is the best MC too.

    This is the best Netori game you can possibly play. The best-written story and characters I have ever seen in a hentai game. The corruption is so well done; it's amazing.

    5/5—perfection, masterpiece, amazing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Best porn I've ever seen. 10/10. Hope this game gets finished. The art is impressive. Not much gameplay but I'm ok with that. Hardcore is where it shines. Great work. I think the releases are going to take longer because of the game getting bigger with adding more lore and characters. Should be really interesting to say the least. I'm liking that it has a dark side and a light side.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    very great game, i never revew before, keep up good work
    this game have good story and attraction art. well, i already played and it already end of content after such a long time. i will waiting for future update.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    very unique beautiful art, great story, a ton of variety for all kinds of stuff you might like, frequent updates. there is very little negative to say about this game and probably the only thing I would mention is that it might be confusing at the beginning for new players, a sort of guide / quest log would be great but likely too much work to be worth tbh.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible story and characters, very good sex scenes and has better character development than many non-porn stories. If this were adapted into a series for adults I have no doubt that it would have a lot of fame.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had potential with a unique graphic style and lot of dialogs but then there is 3 main problems: choices don't seems to matter at all, it is grindy and I better play something else than grind and last but the most important is that the really bad code makes it hard to have a bug-free save and not get stuck at different points in the game, you can get soft locked by so many different bugs it's awful.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    loving the writing here, the banter and communication with various characters, especially the targets are entertaining!
    right now there's a lack of sound effects, and the bgm is several times louder than the other sfx, which relates to my other point.
    Thanks for the game!
    also... more Yvet scenes please!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good the minigames are handy, the scenes are amazing and the art style is fantastic.
    There are some problems like the game is to linear but other then that It's cool.
    (Also if you spamthe arrow to change the scene the game somethimes doesn't catch that you are somewhere else)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Best porn game I've ever played, period.
    Ultra erotic arts and a plot that is good enough to be compared with something like White Album 2 as more of a normal VN.
    Vi is super cute and lovely despite limited presence, and Elena is truly adorable and admirable. The author really knows stuff.

    I don't particularly fancy NTR stuff and was mainly drawn by the art style at first and turned out to love every second of the experience. Fellow lovey dovey enjoyers, trust me, don't run away because of NTR tag, it will be a huge loss....
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I never rate games. I just play and keep it pushing like a normal pirate. This game is an exception. It is easily, for me, the best game on the site. The quality of the art is phenomenal. I almost never read the stories to porn games. Again, this game is an exception. The story is quite good, but by far the standout is the quality of the writing. If you decide to play this game just for the scenes and not take the time to read it, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. It's not even finished yet at the time of this review and I feel 100% confident in this review.

    Bravo, Nitrolith.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is incredible. Great protagonist, nice amount of drama, character designs are good, more hentai games should be like this. The only thing that needs work but is apparently being addressed is the gameplay. Otherwise, a very good game. Can't wait to see the full release and what comes in the future.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Very unfocused game but with potential.

    The art and sex scenes are both pretty good.

    The music isn´t bad either.

    But everything else kinda falls flat.

    The story feels very unplanned and isn´t that interesting.

    The characters are meh I didn´t really care about them, mars I dislike he is too nice sometimes.

    The dialogue gets repetitive and is drawn out.

    The gameplay is bad and not thought out, the dungeon and fights are terrible, the map isn´t designed good, jasmin´s scene happens too often and just wastes time, training gets boring and doesm´t feel satisfying, and after you met the goddess the game has a way too long story segment without the sandbox map which just feels weird and if the sandbox was just forgotten.

    But as I said the artstyle is good and unique sometimes it looks a bit meh but I don´t mind, just for the art it is worth trying.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Kinetic novel with tunnel vision on Netori

    I need to inform you, that I'm not the target audience of this game.

    I'll start with the bad part, and that is:


    The main fetish is Netori. Not bad in itself, but the writer has an unstoppable full-on tunnel vision on this fetish, to the point that every other part of the writing suffers, because IF other parts of writing are developed it will hamper the Netori fetish. That is, if you are not ready to consume hour after hour the same stuff over and over again, I do not recommend touching this "game".

    This is a "game". It doesn't have any mechanics, any gameplay or any meaningful choices. It's a kinetic novel.

    Main character is not developing. Remember I've said, that other parts of the writing suffer because of the main fetish? The main character is a classical caricature of Netorare antagonist. There are bits of information throughout the game that help to establish him further, but it's never been utilised or explained in detail.

    Broken fourth wall and trying to explain the motivation of the gods. This gives me such a headache... 4th wall is self-explanatory, it's here for no purpose and just ruins the immersion. The writer made "creatures which cannot be comprehended by human mind" AND THEN tried to explain their reasoning. See any red flags? It also makes the actions of all humans/demons pointless, and I do not see this writer being competent enough to use this essential plot point. At all.

    There is no breathing room. Ever played Pale Carnations? Now imagine that game with only club activities and nothing in-between. If you give me only violence, I'll become desensitized to it. Same principle here.

    Dungeon is an important part of the game. It's not implemented. Priorities, I guess, but a lot of writing is focused on how the Hero is becoming weaker and the Protagonist essential to the party. Nothing is shown in gameplay because it doesn't exist.


    The good stuff. Don't hope for much, as there is only one.

    Character writing of main 3 heroines is solid. I don't like them, but I do remember their names and motivations.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best Ren'Py game i ever played and definetely on my top 5 H-Games.
    The writer really knew what he was doing. The games's lore is great and he made me have strong feelings for each character, no one in this game deserves a happy ending, but at the same time i really want one for all of them... Especially for the MC.
    The art and OST are also great. I'm not sure if the dev himself made the OST, but even if he got it in the internet somewhere he has very good taste.
    I don't have a clue for how long this game has been developed, but i took 23 hours to reach the end of the content, it really is amazing for a Ren'Py game!
    Really hope that when the dev finishes this game, he works with another person to make his vision reality in another engine, he can cook a even better game, i'm sure of it! I'm rooting for you, dev!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not finished with this game yet but I have strong feelings about it so far that I wanted to leave here.

    I'll begin by saying I was not interested in this game in the slightest, as both the title and preview art led me to believe this is an NTR game, a genre I'm not interested in. In reality, it IS an NTR game, but from the perspective of the dominator, making it much more tolerable for me. The guy you're NTRing in this game deserves it too, so the writing is entirely void of that gross feeling that usually comes from despair-porn NTR stories. I understand that despair-porn is the appeal of NTR for some people, so if you're an avid NTR appreciator, as funny as this is to say, this is probably not the story you're hoping for. This is much more of a self-insert power fantasy.

    Getting to my main point, this is A-class character writing, honestly I think it's some of the best I've read in any H game I've played. The plot is fairly simple but its clear that these characters are incredibly well-thought out. Their behaviors and dynamics are intricate and believable which serve to make the story feel both more erotic and more rewarding as a story.

    It's a slow burn, but purposefully so. The way the player character takes his time to deconstruct each of his partners is a scarily-believable depiction of emotional manipulation that causes me to worry a little for the author and where his inspiration may have come from. Like a trainwreck his psychological torture of the heroines is difficult to look away from, and its consistently interesting to see the depths he can convince others to sink to while never feeling like his charms are omnipotent or exaggerated for plot convenience.

    I often get impatient with wordier H-games but this is an exception, the writing is just too good.