Wolf RPG - Completed - Holy Sword Cecilia ~The Soul of Knights~ [v1.60i] [ya-ho-games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's that kind of hentai games that pretend to be a "game" and forget that it's "hentai". There's like 3-4 consensual H scenes, everything else is a gameover rape that gets rolled back. No corruption (lewdness stat does literally nothing), clothes get torn form damage but there's no reaction from either heroine or npcs. So the H part not thought out at all. And the "game" part is exactly what you'd imagine seeing "RPG" in the engine field - a grindy slog with tons of text and primitive puzzles.

    I'm always conflicted rating games like this - i see the devs put their soul into it, and writing has its moments - but objectively it's not a very good game. Dated engine and machine translation doesn't help. Unless you're willing to spend 10-15 hours reading janky mtl and pushing boulders back and forth, don't bother.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has clear ambition and effort put into it, the quantities of which is rare for a porn game.

    The biggest strengths for this title are definitely the plot and the themes. It's a mystery story and you are trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
    The game's main theme is 'assumptions.' This theme is elaborated upon both in the story elements -which I won't go into because it would be a spoiler - and in the gameplay elements -which means the game operates by dark souls rules so that things that seem like walls may in fact not be.
    Small spoiler - just like Dark Souls the game relies on unreliable narrators -(and the game tells you this from the starting area) NPC's will yap but they may be ignorant, they may be liars, or they may be truthful and it's your job to figure it out before its too late.

    The illusory walls are more annoying here than in dark souls because there is no online comments to help you. If you want every little secret you are going to be banging yourself against walls or using a guide. (I would advise strongly against use of a guide until you solve the original mystery at very least or until you finish your first playthrough - none the secret items are that great).

    The illusory walls come with a puzzle element to them but usually the puzzles are very simple except for two in the end game which are completely optional and probably not worth your time.

    Another strength of the game is that it succeeds in making the world feel big and alive. You, and your character, are dropped into a world with pre-existing history, people, and motivations and it really does feel that way.

    The game has interesting combat with a lot of mechanics but playing at hardline difficulty I had to only occasionally rely on them and mostly only during the early game - nothing in the main game was too difficult - it seems some of the end game content is very difficult.

    Lastly, the porn which was 'good' to 'hot' but infrequent enough were I wouldn't play this for the porn. The porn is a bonus to the mystery and the challenge.

    I really enjoyed this RPGM. I think it's far above your average RPGM.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid gameplay, decent story, cool MC. But i am probably biased - game won my heart when it's allowed me to theatrically proclaime that i will win battle against two dragons before my fedora fall back to my hand throw said hat above and than beat those two to the pulp.

    It is less H oriented and more like proper rpg with some optional adult content. There is lot of secrets, optional exploration, alternative solutions.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    For a game made in 2014 this game really is amazing. I will put this game into one of the "H game classics"/ my TOP 3 in terms of being a H game. The game has amazing gameplay, interesting story, lots of puzzles and secrets to find (hidden walls, paths, etc), H scenes are pretty great (the art quality, but the pseudo "animation" looks like shit because it is not actual animation but that is just a minor nitpick).

    PLAY This game if you want a game that is not just a quick WANK, if you want a H game with interesting story premise/ gameplay that has some decent H scenes here and there to spice up gameplay.

    I hope one day it gets an official proper English translation in steam so I can buy it.

    Note: protagonist is a gigachad (not the female one, you'll understand when you play the game. The female one is alright). Umataro best HORSE. Gigahorse.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Good concept, bad execution. The puzzles don't make sense, and there are too many of them, so after the first couple of hours you'll get sick of them. The scenes are mostly game over, but for some reason you even get pregnant when you go back in time, I don't know if it's a bug or what. The gameplay is convulsive and I still don't understand why most skills consume HP. Unlocking the gallery is a pain in the ass, many quests don't tell you what to do and the information they give you is very fragmented (MTL doesn't help). As for the story, I get the impression that they tried to include too many things and so it becomes a bland soup with endless ingredients.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    version 1.60i.

    an old game. engine limitations.

    first of all there is no load game within the game, and no title screen. so if you want to load the game you have to quit game and restart it, then you can "continue" the save you want.... and there is a lot of save scumming due to limited number of questions you can ask from most npcs. and lots of choices. lots of it is 4th wall breaking.

    H-scenes are very bad. not animated ofc. single CG. even that is censored. but it has voice acting.

    porn part is very weak and badly made. you are in the "memory" of someone, if you go to a bad route, you can "restart" since apparently that is not what happened, yet you still gain lewdness stat from that encounter.

    which means defeat sex scenes have 0 story value. they are within non-existant dream of the participants who see the memory. so a lot of eroticism is lost due to having no consequences.

    MTL is tiring. there are a couple of heavy mistranslations where you really have to hold your head about what the fk were they saying/thinking. a couple of times what's written is the opposite of what was probably the japanese version. so it's a pain to read.

    so with painful (but more-or-less understandable) translation, subpar H-scenes, both in content and in art/animation it cannot be more than 2/5.

    10years ago this could have been an "okay" game. still not even close to the likes of celesphonia, but currently this is just a poor game with many problems. (bad UI as well)
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Illidan No Women 10000

    Hello! It's me Illidan and today i will rate this hgame. Suprisingly interesting game, which uses 4th wall break a bit too much. Still, it can be considered somewhat funny. Though, little parts of VA, can be rated as 2.5/5. Anyway, this hgame will be rated by such categories : Translation, story, gameplay and hscenes.

    Let's start

    Translation 3/5 - A lot of mispronounced genders. Instead of he, you see she in choices to kill someone and etc. There is also other issues in text, but they are pretty much okay

    Story 4-5/5 - Well, well, well. What we got here? That's some nice story we got here. Though i have some questions, story here was somewhat interesting? A lot of 4th wall jokes and comments can be seen. There is plenty of choices, which can change somehow story. Though we dont know what will be changed... Considering that there is 3 alignments : Order, Neutral and Chaos. I went with guardian of order, virgin ending, without killing and doing some other things...
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    Gameplay 3.5/5 - Really refreshing gameplay, compared to basic rpgm hgames. You can easily cheese all enemies on normal mod, just by knowing their weakness and then spamming certain skills. Though, you will really need buffs/debuffs sometimes or it's very important on Enforcer difficulty(eh.... it's quite painful to play but bearable, same for Shura difficulty). BUT! There is still a lot of things to grind. Money, find some coins to get uber items and etc. You won't get uber powerful weapon or guns in 1 playthrough. Though, you might be able to buy golden gun and ammo for it. One of the most optimal things to buy asap.

    Did i mention puzzles? Some puzzles are easy, some not(Uber annoying one in last part of game. Don't complete it, cuz it's just waste of your time and nerves). They aren't necessary and they even have hidden path for second playthroughs, which will allow you to instantly get treasures, while ignoring puzzle.

    Hscenes 4/5 - Well... A lot of reused CGs, 5(9) costumes which damage depends on your HP and etc. Most of hscenes you will get by simple 1 choice or by losing battle with enemy. Sadly i can't say something good about scenes, because i didn't like them. I will still put 4 out of 5, because my preferences might be way too specific. And it's the end of this cat... Oh! I forgot to mention nonexistent corruption, which was added for nothing. You can simply ignore it. Though, virgin completion of the game, will unlock all hscenes.

    Conclusion 4/5 - Well, pretty solid hgame i guess? Though, i would rather cheat all items and use them for fast completion of the game. They are really overpowered. I decided to cheat unique coins to get such items and check their performance, and they can easily clear your game by simply autoattacking. Anyway, if you want to read some story here or simply watch hscenes, cheat currency and buy top gear in order to not feel burdened by grind.

  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really REALLY good game. I recommend you playing it atleast once. Game was made in 2014-2016, but can compete with most of the newest games.

    Lore: This game has an actual lore, characters aren't just soulless dolls. Might be hard to understand tho.

    Art: Its one of the best arts I've ever seen. Surprisingly good for 2014 game. Not much to say. Its not animated but usually features 3-4 CG variants per scene.

    Scenes: Most of the scenes are non-con or doubt-con, but theres also consensual ones.
    Alot of enjoyable fetishes in my opinion and writing is hot.
    Has sound effects such as moans and plops.
    Half of the scenes can be accessed by losing and another half by talking to random npcs around the maps (theres no indicators).
    Theres multiple girls and some of them have their own scenes.

    Systems: Theres surpisingly a good variety of choices along the game. For example you can kill most of the NPCs in non-town locations if you wanna be cruel, or spare them.
    Theres also corruption mechanic, but its poorly done.
    Puzzles. Alot of them. The game can be completed without doing puzzles (I think).
    Game has multiple difficulties if you wanna challenge yourself.
    Theres clothing system with ~10 costumes but it doesn't affect most of the scenes.

    Combat: Its pretty standart RPGM combat with a bit of spice, such as unusual status effects.
    Clothes destruction system, but no combat fuck, sadly.
    Theres no complete game over, unless you play on hard difficulties (you get teleported back to the base without losing your progress, even if you get game over scene).