VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Leap of Faith [Ch. 8 v1.0.3] [DriftyGames]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Unlike most here i didn't go much on this game.

    For me the women jump at the MC way too easily, no part of the game feels romantic especially with the never ending social commentary which makes most of the game feel like a lecture(nothing wrong with social commentary but it has its place and an AVN is not it).

    There is no main plot, its all about the love interests which wouldn't be too bad but sadly the game turns into "Cece and the others" because even if you pick another girl Cece's story and mood clearly dominate the game.

    The adult scenes are in a word terrible, there is nothing arousing about them, they are way too short and most of the time you cant see anything also the constant talking spoils the mood.

    The characters all feel individual with there own personalities but they have a super amount of baggage which dealing with takes up most of the game.

    Choices do direct the story which is good but they are way over complicated with a choice from early in the game locking out a choice much later on, trying to navigate them is like walking on a mine field.

    On the plus side the game is more real than most others, the conversations are natural and realistic as is the setting and characters.

    Story 1/5 (no main plot)
    Art 3/5 (ok)
    Sex 1/5 (not much to see)
    Fetishes 1/5 (lesbian)
    Choices 2/5 (over complicated)
    Characters 3/5 (realistic but lots of baggage)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Really great story, but a small part of me can't help but feel this would be better as VN than an AVN.
    Take the effort that was put into rendering and animating the adult scenes and pour it into the less fleshed-out portions of the story.
    (I'm looking at you, Steph.)

    Might just be my own views on the subject matter, but sexy and depressed don't really go together, and this story definitely has the potential to leave you feeling depressed at several points throughout.

    (Also, Cece's sister kinda looks like Alfred E Neuman from Mad TV.
    Not really relevant to the review, but I got a good laugh out of it.)

    In any case, I can see why so many rate it so highly, and why they put it behind very few other AVNs.
    It's a great story, with mostly well-written characters, and solid dialogue.
    Worth a playthrough or two, although you should be aware that it touches on some pretty dark topics. The game gives you a very direct warning prior to the most significant of these, and even gives you the option to skip it, but it's worth knowing going in for those with their own struggles.

    Some people compare the tragedy with Acting Lessons, but they're in different categories as far as I'm concerned.
    One is more loss, trauma and grieving and the other is more inexplicable, seemingly innate mental illness. If you struggle with the latter, you'll probably have less trouble with AL than with LoF, and vice versa.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    never have i seen a better written story. the amount of time it takes to get through it is perfect, other than you just wanting it to keep going because it is so good. nothing drags on for to long making you lose interest, ever thing is realistic enough for you to relate to, even the deeper topics . i have never wished i could experience something for the first time all over again like this in my life, i wish this could get enough attention to make a movie based off it for the amazing was it covers the topic of depression., it real and doesn't sugar coat it , but makes you feel the emotions that the characters feel. Drifty, it will be difficult but if you ever top this i cannot wait to see it.

    Thank you,
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be my favorite AVN right now...
    I tried to refrain from officially ranking because I'm not sure I can be objective about this one. And even though it might be my favorite, I feel conflicted about rating it...

    I'm rating 5* because overall this is objectively an excellent story, and I can't decide if the reason I want to ding it a * is personal or objectively fair.
    If you can't handle blunt force trauma to your emotions, in an AVN, don't play this one...

    On the surface, I want to give it 5*, but it feels mostly due to relatable (with modifications) personal experience reasons and a chance for a "do over" of sorts that's played around in my head for decades.
    Then, there's the part of me that's so pissed off it wants to give 4* or less because forcing the lock in to a path so early and quickly with so many potential love interest options is absolutely brutal... And the timing of that choice was absolute CRAP!!!
    I'll try to not spoil too much, but as a reader/MC,
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    Ultimately, not a big deal, just play a different path in subsequent playthroughs. But from a story telling, structure standpoint, forcing the choice at that point in the story was so heavy handed and unnecessary... That lock in choice could have been delayed until after meeting with Steph.
    And I get it, life is like that, hell, very similar happened to me irl, had to choose between 3 very serious relationship options (married the one I chose, that's how in a very short time period (6 weeks), not like you can ask the one you're currently with to wait so you can see how these other 2 might turn out...:ROFLMAO: But that's the thing, the MC isn't really "with" anyone at this point in the story... There's even a task open that says need closure before moving on... But you're choosing and moving on even before you get an explanation or "closure"... WTF? :ROFLMAO:
    I was so angry and frustrated, I had to take a step back and vent in the comments section... :ROFLMAO:

    Overall, the story is great. The paths are good, emotionally brutal, but good. The characters are good, some are excellent, the music is great. The cameos are magnificent. I particularly enjoyed Jaye from Chasing Sunsets appearances, because I played that one right before this one...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of these kind of games and used many tissues, but this was firsth where I needed them for my tears. Good writing and complete package. Didn't expect to get amotionally hit, but glad I did.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    An experience I needed right when I played the game. Exceptional story that I hope others can benefit. The music selection is also thoughtful and top notch. Added a few new songs to my favorite play list.

    I highly recommend.

    Thank you Drifty.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This was the most emotional VN I've ever played! Characters & plot lines were excellent. However, I can't give it a 5 because it was the most limiting VN I've ever played too. Most choice/path driven VNs allow some "off path" fun and they let you get a lot deeper into the story before making you choose, or better yet, your choices add up at the end. This is the opposite; you have to almost choose right away and every other LI is blocked forever. For example, I just finished my first run and I have 5 more LI Paths to explore, some I've never even had a single scene with.
    The sad part is that I feel small tweak could've fixed this; move the "house party" to the end of the story, so MC can explore other girls then it culminates at the house party for the path sealing choice. Just my thoughts...
    In the end, it's still worth playing, but definitely use the DLC help option; those tips are invaluable since there's so many divergent options.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good story, kinda short? If the sex scenes were better it would be a easy 5*. Solid choice for a nice read with some wank in between.

    I didn't experience the whole game tho, maybe that's why i think it's short, just did cc and lexi routes. Or maybe it's cause i read the whole thing in one sitting, and don't really know how much time i spent? Anyway that attests to the fact that is a interesting story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I did not stop until I finished Cece play through. this one almost brought me to tears at times and a whole range of emotions. I will play through the rest. All I can say is that Leap Of Faith is in my top 5
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best AVNs of all time in this site, IMO.

    A story that prioritizes substance that can survive without its NSFW scenes, it also effectively tackles a very sensitive and serious issue that will lead to some incredible emotional gut punches.

    Great writing that consists of layers, good dialogue, balanced humor, nice callbacks, rewarding character arcs, and excellent screenplay.

    Realistic characters that perfectly complement one another, and would simply leave a mark on you after playing. I mean, TWO of the best AVN girls of all time and one of the best "best bro" characters are in this game, so 'nuff said.

    It also has one of the best, if not the best, soundtracks in any AVN ever. A soundtrack so well curated, each song perfectly fits their scenes and the characters, amplifying the effect and memorability of the scenes. The songs are so good that they deserve to be added to your liked songs on Spotify.

    As this is the developer's own leap of faith, this game is very personal and it is evident in the story, its characters, and its music, resulting in a wonderful experience that is meant to be enjoyed at least once by every person that likes a good story.

    Rating: 9/10 (5 stars). Definitely a must-play AVN, and play it with the music restoration mod.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredible and is a MUST PLAY AVN. The story is original, the characters are interesting and you care about them in a completely unique way.

    If you like lewd scenes you probably won't find it that incredible, but the girls are very beautiful and each one has her own style.

    To the developer, I just have to say congratulations. I believe you achieved your goal and managed to pay tribute in a beautiful way to the memory of this person who is so special to you.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The only thing i think could have been better were the quality of renderings and animations but as the Dev mentioned many times in game he had hardware limitations and had to do a lot of optimizing to be able to render in a reasonable time.
    Finished the game with
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    and i think i will repeat 2 more times with other characters as partners.
    Really enjoyed the game, wasn't at all expecting the drastic emotion changes it caused me, and also shook me to the core as i've been through some problems too,
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    Anyway, thank you for the amazing game, haven't played much of AVN'S but this one for sure ill remember
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Unpopular opinion, but I think this game really isn't anything special. I've seen countless people hype this up to be one of greatest AVNs of all time and I honestly just don't see it.

    1. Good looking renders.
    2. Is actually finished, unlike the vast majority of AVNs.
    3. Good replayability (if you liked it in the first place) due to having to pick a single LI to pursue (I picked Cece, who seems to be the most popular pick).
    4. A few somewhat unique and interesting mechanics, e.g. the social media app "Nuke", being able to take pictures of some moments etc.

    1. Robotic and mediocre looking animations during NSFW scenes (also terrible angles).
    2. No real "plot" (by plot I mean there is no particular goal in the story, besides just going through relatively random events whilst pursuing the LI you picked).
    3. Mediocre looking LIs. Now this one is very subjective, but personally I found all LIs (with the exception of Cece, who in my opinion is above average, but nothing amazing) to look mediocre.

    Overall, I don't get the hype behind this game, I mean sure, it deals with some heavy topics i.e.
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    and handles them pretty well, all things considered, but that doesn't necessarily make the game any more interesting.
    Again, this is just my opinion, but since the reviews for this game are overwhelmingly positive I thought I'd share a different perspective for anyone who'd like to hear it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd have a lot to say about Leap of Faith, but i'll try to be short.
    Leap of Faith is probably the most moving story i experienced, of all the games i ever played.
    Reading some revievs, i see that these feelings are common. For those who went through painful situations, the story is very touching.
    I didn't find sex scenes so exciting, other games worked better to me, but i loved the story and the awesome characters that Drifty designed so well.
    I read a comment from someone with experience in the field, defining the game "extremely shallow" when it tells about depression. I have been there too, and i agree, but this is just a game, and Imho, it should find its way on the edge between the human drama and our needs to escape and lighten our burdens.
    I'm not good enough to talk about the graphics, but they looked very good to me and even better did the soundtrack.
    Drifty, i sense you really put your heart here and i might be wrong, but i feel you struggled to let the guys go at the end.
    Please don't get me wrong, i share your choice, when you let your characters split their ways, because, sooner or later, this is what happens in life, but i'm going to miss them. A lot.
    They reminded me parts of my own journey, people and places that will never come back.
    Thank you for your work and for your passion.
    Sorry for my english.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Dear Leap of Faith Dev Team,

    I wanted to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for your game. The storyline has touched me in ways that few games ever have. It makes me both cry and smile, evoking a range of emotions that I didn't expect. Your ability to craft such a compelling narrative is truly remarkable.

    One particular moment that stood out to me was when Cece left a note. That scene moved me to tears, showcasing the depth and complexity of the characters and their relationships. It's moments like these that make Leap of Faith so special and memorable.

    I am eagerly hoping for a continuation of the story, a Season 2, to see where the journey leads next. The characters and their experiences have become a part of my life, and I can't wait to see how their stories unfold further.

    Thank you for creating such a heartfelt and immersive game. Your work brings joy and depth to my gaming experience, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

    Best regards,

    [From fan]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I almost forgot to rate this masterpiece - you know the game and the plot is good when you start skipping the sex scenes to get back to the story. I chose Cece and after finishing the game I felt satisfied and practically everyone got their happy ending.

    I recommend after a certain situation that the creator warns about to play the song "Katelyn Tarver - You Don't Know". The lyrics of the song hit harder.

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  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A very beautiful game that is really hard-carried by Cece, she's just that exceptional of a character, one of my favorite characters of all-times in these types of games.

    The others are OK to great.

    I really liked the beautiful soundtrack, the characters felt very alive and goofy !

    I'm sad it's already finished...

    Gratz to Drifty !
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is kinda weird to review. Cece's route is 10/10. The others are mid at best. I'm leaving 4 stars because of how good Cece's route is, otherwise I would leave 2 or 3 max. Still recommend it tho
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy fuck, I came into this just hoping that the graphics would look as nice as the preview, and instead got absolutely blown away by some of the best storytelling I've ever gotten out of any game, was really not expecting this at all coming from a game in here. This shit was pure cinema I came and it was hot asf n shit, but by the time I did, I was not nearly the same person I was when I got my cock out of my pants (Even teared up a little bit at one point, cock was still out). 10/10 I truly don't think I'll ever find a VN as amazing as this one, if I ever get filthy rich I'm funding DriftyGames70 times harder than Biden funded the IDF, fuck man.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Leap of Faith [Final]

    Leap of Faith is different. It focuses on storytelling over anything. This is a novel with adult scenes, but definitely based on dramatic storytelling. At the end of this game, you will have felt many emotions. And the sad ones are the most impressive. If you are simply looking for a sex simulator, look elsewhere. This game is trying to tell you something about feelings and in the process, making you feel it.

    This game is one of the most well-connected AVN’s I know. Leap of Faith has a very strong cast of multiple characters who all develop as the story progresses. The cast basically goes through life together and it helps them become evolved people with a different set of beliefs in the end.

    You are Jake, a man with a small social circle. As you live life, you will meet people. You’ll flirt and you will gain friends. While you progress, the people around you change along with you. People from your past come to haunt you as you try to create a better future for everyone. Friendships come with issues that can take over your life. I’m deliberately keeping this vague because the story is something to be experienced, not explained.

    Sad is a keyword as this game gets into very dark territory. For story’s sake realistic details are simplified, but you can feel the weight as the game’s story collapses. A personal message from the developer hits like a freight train as fiction and reality temporarily mix in game. I really, truly admire the developer for aspiring to do this project.

    While the overall story is an impressive feat, what shines is the interpersonal conversations people have. You will hear people around you referencing choices you made or things that happened in the story. By just reading the responses, you can already figure out who you are talking with. There’s a bunch of personality within the responses themselves.

    Of course I could nitpick about story issues concerning Jake’s family members unnecessarily popping up, other story bits that remain unresolved - but on the larger scale the story just works. There is so much interpersonal stuff happening that planning, organizing and keeping the story together must have been a hard project. Add different ending scenes for all of the characters to that as well.

    Writing too much will spoil the fun - so I’ll praise one more aspect. The humor in this game is just as good as the drama is. There are pop references, dad jokes, 4th wall sketches - Driftygames went out of his way to create an experience that’s extremely rare in the AVN community. Thoughtful, fun and meaningful. Each character has it’s own story arc and if interested, you could learn more about them. And that’s not even counting the guest appearances this game features.

    You owe it to yourself to play this AVN if you are a fan of mature storytelling.

    As a 2020 game, graphics are above average, good enough to appear realistic. There’s a gloss-like look to characters which has to be your preference, but the graphics mostly serve the story well. Some characters (most notably Cece) have questionable temporary appearance changes that don’t have any reasoning, which could be due to the rendering engine. Overall, the game looks and feels pretty good. Sex scenes do feature animation and are average to good, although it could benefit from more variation.

    The game has a high quality range of shots, usually telling the story by close-up shots. Leap of Faith is about the personal stories of the characters. Every breath, word and touch matters. I appreciate the way the developer uses storytelling and presentation to touch all kinds of subjects, from same-sex love to mental health issues. If you can look past the stylized, somewhat simplistic look, you can experience a great story here.

    Honestly, I would have loved a bit more variety in terms of intimacy among all the characters. The dev doesn't go kink hunting, but doesn't shy away from them either. If there is one, it has to absolutely make sense for the story. Outfits are average to good, although the developer went for a more 'realistic' approach rather than a fantasy one. In the end, it benefits the story.

    Notable mention must be made on how the music intertwines with some of the scenes. I usually play with the sound off, but the developer made scenes that specifically go with the music chosen in the game. Some of those include singing and even a dedicated soundtrack, others are just for dramatic purposes. Definitely turn your music up for those scenes, it's worth all the effort the developer put in.

    While Leap of Faith is primarily a traditional VN with one main story, there’s the choice of which female character you want to romance. This won’t change the overall narrative, but will change a few of the narratives of the people you directly influence. So while your story choices matter for the relationships between people, they won’t always influence the overall game story much.

    The game features a phone system which allows you to chat with friends, call them, look at photos you have taken (after prompted by the game) or check social media. It’s a bit rough around the edges and is forced upon you at times, but does help in making you believe you’re part of this bigger story. There’s a reason for all the functions though - so make sure you browse through all of them in order to find the hidden things you can do in order to get the secret content.

    Make sure you explore options in different playthroughs - keeping someone in your life rather than banning them could wield interesting results. Kissing someone rather than not kissing them could as well. And taking a photo rather than not taking one could definitely do that.

    It’s hard to create a novel that develops this much, but still allows you to influence the story in ways that can give you multiple variations of it. Leap of Faith is one of my favorite story-based VN’s out there and simply one of the most socially engaging games I have ever played. I still can’t get over the heartbreaking revelation the developer shares and how the game manages to stay so grounded while exploring unlikely scenarios.

    Whether it’s the lush lifestyle Lexi lives or the mental struggles Cece has, the identity crisis that Kira goes through or the troubled history Jake has with either Linda or Stephanie - most of the characters stand out just by existing in this universe. It’s not strange this game pops up on a lot of ‘Best AVN’ lists by heavy users of the genre. Leap of Faith belongs there among the top.

    9/10, so a 10/10 here. Congratulations, dev.