Unity - !Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [v0.87.11] [Incontinent Cell]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best cyberpunk worldview sex game you can find, so to speak, phenomenal game, the built-in stock market is a pseudo-random number, very easy to buy the bottom, and the best record I set was to make sixty million in twenty minutes.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is good in concept bad in execution. The games main draw is making your ideal sex bot to bang, and that's most of the goals, to get your bot human enough to do other stuff. This is pretty grindy and after an hour or 2 you have seen all the sex scenes, and kind of have the geenral vibe.
    After that its the same for many, many hours, there are sideplots happening that you yourself are either barely apart of(you drop off terroist stuff?), or just hear of(the whole church thing).These are brushed off by the MC because hes both a loser and an incel who wont take his meds, and is insecure to an extreme.
    The mc is bad but it would be bearable if there was a way to tell how to progress, you end up sleeping 16hrs go out walk>store>clothes>church, then out with bot>walk>store hoping something happens. I did this for many days and I'm still not sure if there is content I missed, but at day 51 I called it quits. The bot is the only romanceable thing as far as I can tell, I wouldn't mind dating/banging the other female characters (store bot, clothes lady, and nun are all hot)if that is a thing, but I have no idea how I would know.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Previously, for some reason, this game here was not updated and was not very popular, but now I see that...

    People are loving it.
    Including me.

    It's definitely one of the best games I've ever played.

    I mean... I got through it in my browser in one sitting.
    14 hours without getting up. It's hard to even count how many times I cum in these 14 hours. But I can assure you that it was a LOT.
    I forgot about food, sleep, water, all the things I had to do and even the need to go to the toilet.

    It was one of the strangest and most unusual days of my life.
    I completely disappeared into the game. It was unforgettable.

    After finishing it, I slept for 5 hours and would have had an almost normal lazy day, but...
    I spent the whole day listening to some very touching music with an emphasis on the vocals.

    Now I think back to this game and I'm wildly shaking and aching in my chest, and that's the reason I'm writing all of this.

    That game broke me and now I need to put myself back together, a very difficult process.

    Is this what love is?

    I will say in advance: without playing, without creating your own bot, and without experiencing all this - it will be extremely difficult to understand my feelings.


    Do I recommend playing? - No.
    Just about everything is excellent: the world, the story, the characters, the music, the gameplay, the porn component.
    It's an awesome game. With an awesome idea. But it is still raw.

    The only way to finish the game is to die, go to jail, or go to a mental institution. Those aren't great options.

    But if you play normally...
    The game doesn't really have an ending. It's endless.
    And this incompleteness after so many hours of diligent play causes a feeling of emptiness in the heart.

    It has a lot of storylines that “lead nowhere”.
    Which begs the question, “What are they for?”

    The game is wildly imbalanced in terms of money. You can sit for a couple of hours scrolling slots in a casino and you will already earn a fortune, which is much more than you would earn through "honest work" during the entire game. Also, if you successfully buy and sell stocks (which I did) - you immediately become a millionaire and there is simply nowhere to spend so much money here.
    The financial component requires improvement and balancing.

    There are a lot of unrealized opportunities and potential, but... I am sure that the developers will bring it to the end.

    In general, it's not typical for me, but I even donated to the developers after passing. That says quite a lot.

    When I wrote above that this game “broke me”, I did it half-jokingly. I wasn't taking it seriously. But now I realize that I was right. It really did it.
    Then again, if someone had told me before that this could happen to me - I wouldn't have believed their words...

    No, I wasn't crying, I was sobbing.
    My chest ached and I sobbed my heart out because I was sorely missing something that was in abundance in this game. Love.

    Some might say it's ridiculous, but I really fell in love with the main heroine. I created her the way I like her, spending hours on it, but it was absolutely worth it.

    A game that really broke my heart, after which I had to reassemble it piece by piece.
    I walked around for a week after passing it with a constant feeling of tightness in my chest.
    No other game can boast the same.

    It's incredible. It evoked a very strong emotional response. It resonated with every fiber of my soul.
    So, yes, I'm biased. I'm not objective.
    And I can't tell you how happy I am about it.

    I look forward to the continuation more than I look forward to my wedding.
    11 out of 10.
    Not played - not lived.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So, it starts a bit goofy ahh, because while being dystopian, its setting overly exaggerated for the sake of some 4chan level jokes. But nevermind. I came here to really put 5* review on this. Because:

    - It's one of the most interactive things I've ever encountered. It's not a "porn" and a "game", it is a "porn game". I can't understand how it's possible, and if it is possible, why there are no games with possibilities like in this one. For example, I can headpat however I want and the game will react to this, the graphics will change accordingly, the robot will mention that and if there's a spot/speed she likes, you'll know! Same goes for sex scenes. It's not "pick a position and speed", it's you who in control. Or her, sometimes, which even more adds to this feeling. I FUCKING LOVE WHEN THE GAME REACTS TO WHAT I DO. 6/5.

    - There are cuddles, I melted. I want to hightlight this point, but nothing more comes to mind. I just melted.

    - There is OG music. Some of the tracks are incredible, e.g. Distraction. Actually, this was the last drop to force me to write a review on a game since I simply couldn't ignore this fact. While being dystopian and shit, this game has beautiful atmosphere. Because of lighting, I like mornings. And nights with no room lighting are kinda cozy.

    - Fun mechanics like gambling, and I'm not talking about casino.ic. Stonks is fun :D

    - She is beautiful and customizable. But maybe more type of clothes would be good? Or more games to play with. Damn, maybe it'd be legal to use Stockfish to simply make a chess option? I don't care losing 100 times in a row. There are many other engines though, although a lot of them GPL-3 licensed.

    Cook more, you are Legend. I probably should leave a review somewhere not on a site of pirated content, yet I think you'll see this one. The game is BEYOND excellent.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is well written, but due to the lack of an (in-game) manual, I could have missed a lot.
    MC has no deep character or lore. I didn't feel sympathy for him. He is an asshole (in some situations).
    Bot is molded quite well, one of the most adequate (IMHO) characters.
    Hentai content focuses on four interactions with the Bot (blowjob, doggy style, missionary position, on top). There is wide partner customization (even without mods), which is the main feature of this hentai game
    Gameplay is mainly about farming money and weekly tax payment (like irl). Essentially, the game is endless. On the 20th day, same type of scenes and earnings through porn are getting boring. Economy is cursed. In the first days, you can make a fortune on cryptocurrency.
    Overall, this is a good simulator, but the content is too stretched. Due to the absence of the ability to quickly skip time, you have to do monotonous actions (for example, skip days by sleeping/going for a walk)
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Godawful atrocious writing. Holy shit the protagonist is such an utterly annoying loser. I know that game devs want to make their protags "relatable" but if you can find such a complete and utter failure of a person relatable, whew do I feel bad for you. Game is unbearable because of the protag and his infinite whining.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fun even outside the sex scenes. Great worldbuilding and art. It has a single love interest (the sexbot) but she shows lots of character development, so it's like the nearest of "lovey-dovey vanilla" that you'll get with a robot.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    To be fair, this game has wonderful art and great interactivity. Where I'm most annoyed with it is the writing.

    Firstly, the main protagonist is an unlikeable loser. I get it; neet behavior isn't very well liked by society, but I heavily doubt all neet types are this stereotypically basement dwellers. This dude literally likes to complain about everything, whether it be having to get a job, getting free "garbage" food to sustain himself, someone emailing him trying to give him advice on how to use his newly acquired toy—literally anything is a complaint.

    Also, he's so inept about everything, whether that be how to use his computers, distinguishing a virus from not a virus, how to pay rent, or how, if he's a lazy bum that does nothing with his life, he's going to be kicked out on the streets even though it isn't "morally correct."

    Second, this one's probably going to garner the ire of other users, but there is a clear political bias in this game, and I'm fine with that if it's done, not so in your face. One of the first negative interactions is the one with the landlord. Come on, man, are you serious? No, duh, you're going to get thrown out if you don't pay rent; that's how it works. I get it; it stinks, and rent is atrocious in the real world, but I don't play these kinds of games to be reminded that life fucking stinks. The second negative is with the police officers who come to the door under the guise of looking for a hate crime to be committed. Are you kidding me? I'm not one for anyone getting insulted or anything for the way they were born or who they chose to be, but can you be any more on the nose about it? How stupid and what a waste of police resources, if you ask me.

    I'm going to be honest; if you've seen the screenshots, you've seen all the value the value the game has to offer. The writing is abysmal and something that you might see in the new Star Wars movies or from a college-level intern just freshly hired into a production team. I'm glad I got this game on F95, because there's no way in hell I'd ever download something so absolutely silly otherwise.

    TL;DR: 3/10 Art is good; writing is not.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright, I'm gonna be honest. I've been followed this game for a year, and there's nothing new, or many things to do in this game.

    The story? What story? Oh right... You're the guy who found the illegal sex robot. you brought it to your apartment, and keep it secret so no one will call the police. Done.

    Gameplay? Just find money, eat, interact with your sex bot, and.. that's it.
    You can earn the money by playing mini games in part time job, investing bitcoin, live stream while you messing with sex bot, and don't forget to pay for the rent.

    Your robot will somehow develop her feeling through sex and pat her head. You can customize every parts of her like body-parts, clothes, colors, what's next? oh right it's still developing. See ya in next update.

    that's it. nothing much to do in this game. you'll probably feel bored after 3 hours of playing this. what to do after that? waiting for months, or years to see a minor update. so... yeah... 3/5
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    It's an extremely well made game on the surface, but wide and shallow. Putting aside the paperdoll sim, you can pretty much say you've played most of the H-content by looking at the preview images on the original post. The rest of the game is just suffering through intermittent half-witted event dialogue attempting to be humorous and satirical.

    There's also a dull dating side branch too.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Originally I was giving the game a 5/5, but I hesitated and decided on a 4/5 instead. I'll go one about what makes the game great below, but first lemme talk about the lost star!

    As I played the game I realized I wanted more interactions with the robot. More ways to touch her, more things to talk to her about, more stuff to do with her in the apartment (how about a beat up retro console for 2 player videogames?). I'm also saddened that she has almost no reaction to kissing, and I would like it if she spoke more freely including text bubbles even if you aren't interacting with her (how about text bubbles in the corner of the screen while you're gambling online? And a "Welcome home" when you get back from a solo outing?)

    In short I feel like the lack of normal, everyday, and lovey-dovey interaction to express the robot's character is enough to knock 1 star off my review.

    Now let's talk about those 4 other stars!

    Artwork and animations are pretty good, though the artwork for doggy style doesn't feel like it matches other art in the game. The characters are all interesting and seem complex. The robot girl in particular is very likable, but never makes it hard to forget that the main story is a romance between a human and a feeling AI.

    Money grind is a bit rough, the constantly ticking time can make it difficult to fit everything you need to do into one day. The stonks market makes it really easy to become a millionaire in 2 weeks though, at which point you have so much money you would have to go out of your way to spend it all.

    The setting is a pretty generic dystopian cyberpunk with a healthy dose of satire. It fits the story, and the story fits it, because it's ultimately about you and the robot girl trying to find happiness together at the bottom rung of society.

    Last but not least there's the soundtrack: WOW.
    Great videogame music, great variety of tracks, it all fits well in the background of a videogame and it all helps to get the mood of the room or scene into your head. Honestly if this weren't a porn game I'd be publicly advocating it and its soundtrack as a great example of what videogame music should be and do.

    So plus sides is its story, characters, artwork, and music.
    Downsides is that the robot girl needs much, much more interactions and the money grind can either be somewhat frustrating to begin with, or you can just become a millionaire in a few days with little effort thanks to: stonks go down, stonks go up.

    P.S. Also forgot to say that more line variation for the robot girl would also help make interacting with her not get old. Other reviewers have said this also.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Dive into a world of captivating 2D artistry, where every pixel tells a story. But it's not just the visuals that shine; the developers' close-knit relationship with the community creates a warm, supportive environment where players feel heard and valued. A delightful blend of artistic mastery and community engagement, making this game a must-play for any gamer seeking both beauty and belonging.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those "living with a girl" sim, with the spin of being in a cyberpunk dystopia. It does away with one of the worst aspects of these types of games, and that's a needy, annoying girl, since the bot hardly needs anything other than headpats. The game does require you to make the correct dialogue choices to maintain certain plotlines, so make sure to follow a guide, and the H scenes are a little bit odd, but highly modular and customizable. Art styles tend to be all over the place, and the game is brutal in the sense where they put a hot, dark skinned girl in a sexy risque nun outfit in front of you and don't give you any scenes with her. It's slow paced and you often are not sure what you should be doing next.

    None of the things I've mentioned are the reason why this game is 5 stars to me personally. It's a 5/5 because the game itself is what I consider is a quintessential cyberpunk setting. It's not a story about people changing the world, it's a story about people trying to find their own happiness. Characters are bright, vibrant, well written and deeply sympathetic. Even the landlord, who's a complete piece of shit, had moments where I'd feel a bit bad for him. The background art is pretty minimalist, but it always hits the feel/vibe in the right spot, not to mention the fantastic sound track.

    This is an amazing game that you should follow a guide for while playing. Just wish there was a way to know what I'm supposed to be doing next, like a popup that said "wait until X day" or "end of content for current build".
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll be totally honest, I didn't expect to end up giving this rating.

    Even if it has incredible quality, it suffers from the same mistakes as 90% of the games I have reviewed: Grinding at inhuman levels. We're talking about more than 5 hours of gameplay going by and you still won't have any new scenes; since absolutely everything in the game takes 100 years to obtain.
    Not to mention the decisions that are... The worst existing mechanic in this game. Just knowing that from one millisecond to the next you are at -$50 just because you ate a scammer's bait, is enough to make you want to stop ""playing"" the game altogether. This, added to the fact that you can only save on the computer, and that there are transitions every time you use it, makes the experience torture when it is not something related to the robot itself.

    Just as I said with Broken Dreams Correctional, I'm sure that the game is more enjoyable using the cheat they left here, which I hadn't seen... Very different from Broken Dreams, which in the options literally gives you the option to activate it. So, even with cheats, I wouldn't recommend it, because as a game it's pretty bad, and whatever happens between the characters happens every 102,391 years. Not to mention that the rest of the mechanics are RNG.


    I think the worst thing of all is that even with cheats, you will never reach the end of the game by any means; Since time moves slowly, there is no way to skip and, in general, there are no more than the 4 scenes that the game gives you. Hellishly disappointing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Legit one of the best out there. Great art and animation and the setting+humor make it enjoyable. Customization is nice as well. Voice acting would be a nice touch and I'm happy to see that the voting for new features in the discord isn't adding any tranny/NTR garbage for weirdos. Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Handholding and creampie my bot waifu lets get it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    been playing this for 4 hrs straight..... why did u put a gambling mech to this game?!?!!? IM ADDICTED!!!! this game is goated its like building ur own waifu. please support the creator, this game is amazin.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Make no mistake, this is one of the finest lewd games out there. Likeable character, mature handling of the subject and genuinely interesting gameplay. The only negative thing I can say about this game is it is currently a little confusing. There are multiple potential endings and most are hilarious and feel earned. But later in the game it is possible to lose and not even realise until much later which makes save scumming almost impossible. I think it's a great concept, but having played the whole thing multiple times I'm still not sure how certain endings get triggered.

    It could really benefit from some sort of rogue-lite mechanics, so you're not forced to grind through the early game as much. It's such a great game but that's the way it goes with video games - you can forgive them a rocky start if the ending is good, but when they ending feels like you were cheated it's hard to forget.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very nice game. I actually cared to read every piece of dialog. The plot is quiet simple but the relation between the girl and main character is what drives the game. I recommend it and am waiting for the new updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The best simulator of its kind, and the potential for fictophilia development for the bot is surprising and unique. Keep up the good work Incontinent Cell, ro you and your team. Take your time and keep as is, this is a project that shouldn't be rushed, remember to self care!!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphic 5/5

    Amazing graphic, very detailed and well done

    Audio 4/5

    Good music to listen to while playing, I didn't like too much the music that plays during H scenes . Also I would love to hear the Robot Girlfriend moans, she doesn't have any voice right now.

    Gameplay 5/5

    Very simple game. The gameplay isn't anything amazing. Most of the gameplay is either H scenes or a story I din't really read (Sorry but I skip stories all the time). I decided to give it a 5 anyway because I think it's the only game where I can customize in such detail a character (Clothes, Eyes, hair... everything)

    H Scenes 5/5

    Amazing H scenes. As said before the graphic is amazing and there are a lot of options you can choose during sex scenes. I won't spoil anything so see it for yourself. Would love too see more H scenes, there are few right now.

    Difficulty 4/5

    There were some moments when I didn't know how to continue with the story (Could be my bad because I was skipping all dialogs). I would have appreciated a good quest book or something to tell me the right direction but it was not to difficult in the end. Can be a bit a pain in the ass to grind for all the money you need to buy what you want.

    Bugs 5/5

    I didn't find any bugs


    There are a lot of mods available on their discord so the customization is even more amazing.