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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Potentially controversial opinion:

I am really not a fan of the last update and the direction taken (read: Naamah and all quests to do with her)

To give the positives first. I understand people's desire for "giant demon lady with pierced nipples and bdsm gear", so I get that people may like the design. I also appreciate that there have to be some ramifications eventually for playing both sides of a conflict.

However, the way this was played out is stupid. Not only do we already have a similar design we have a much greater emotional attachment to (Erevi's daughter, hello), but also she acts like a total bitch right off the bat which may fit the aesthetic, but ruins everything surrounding it.

And the biggest centrepoint here is the MC. I like his characterization a lot throughout the game. Yes, he's horny, young, and sometimes stupid, but he cares about every one of his girls, and can be smart and unbending when it comes to defending them.
So what happens when Naamah abducts Alice? (Which is a stupid move on her part anyway). He immediately looks for a way to find her, turning to Erevi and LOCO (Smart move). And then when encountering Naamah, immediately fucking folds and doesn't try to negotiate beyond Alice's release. No attempt to counterargue or manouver the conflict, not even reframing the situation as "You release Alice no matter what, and then I'll see if I can help you, since that's in my self-interest anyway", none of that shit. He just becomes a wet fucking blanket once again, which he was before, and I thought evolved beyond that.
And then, once the situation is slightly sorted, falls into the "worship me" role Naamah laid out for him, despite having many a reason to distrust, if not loathe her for how she acted. It's just not how he's supposed to behave at this point.
Also, the fact that he takes NO issue with Naamah spying on him that closely, and especially his familiar effectively betraying him in this way is also a ridiculous oversight.

Naamah too, seems like she would be smarter than kidnapping a mother of MC's children, and expecting cooperation of any kind instead of seething resentment, and it's only by the power of plot convenience that she gets away with it, instead of getting his attention in some other way, and then playing on the same facts she laid out anyway, that she holds some leverage over him in the form of information she could feed to Nergal. And, even though this is a lesser issue, why does she even exist when we already have Erevi's daughter? Story reasons aside ofc.

Tinkerer has been very solid on the writing in the past, and on the character front too, else me and everyone else would not have gotten as attached to them as we did. So the only way I can explain the mistakes made here is that he wanted le big demon lady, and crowbarred it into the story in the simplest way possible, instead of the one that was best when it comes to the integrity of his own characters.
My read was that the MC cares more about Erevi finding out than Nergal, it's just that Nergal finding out has downstream ramifications for her since she is one of his faithful. In that line of thinking, nothing about the MCs motivation has changed. He just finally met someone willing to blackmail him. Erevi still has no idea that he's been involved with the other temple, and I'm pretty sure Namaah openly suggests spilling the beans. That secret and the fact that the MC+Erevi's daughter brainwashed her into having more children are both bridges left to be crossed. Namaah's threat puts both his relationship with Erevi and her safety at risk.

Alice has always been a masochist, so I imagine the idea that her captivity was more of a playful romp was meant to soften the blow. Either way, I don't think the direction Tinkerer took was out of character for anyone involved. Had Alice been injured I'm sure the "relationship" with Namaah that takes place after the quest would not be the same.

All that aside, as powerful as the MC has become he still isn't a match for Namaah on paper. The idea that we finally met an entity capable of wiping the floor with him (for now) is a needed reality check if the gods themselves are coming into play soon.
While it's true MC folded too easily, there was nothing he could've done... if he tried to fight Namaah, ED would've spilled the beans to Erevi, and Namaah would've just whiped the floor with MC. But it's also true thiis is barely the beginng of MC's nvolvement with the gods... maybe someday MC will turn the tables on Namaah.Her horns would make for perfect handlebars
So far MC has been able to fight every beast & being that has crossed him. But Naamah is a true Succubus, a powerful demoness of desire & sex, who also has the power to not only wipe the floor with MC but also ruin his life. I agree that her telling Nergal isnt the major threat for MC, its Erevi & ED finding out.

Do I think things in this update could have played out/been done better? Sire. But MC finally ment someone able to blackmail him, hes been outplayed by a figure who has been building a case against him since the conception of ED. MC is also the kind of guy who would want something for his troubles, I see him as a switch in the bedroom, becoming submissive or dominant or loving depending on the girl he is with. Naamah wants to be worshipped so that's what MC gives her, for now(?)

Hopfully her character is built upon as the main story plays out. I doubt this is the last of her we will see as part of the main plot.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Ok, going through one by one. Erevi at this point actually cares about the MC, and has demonstrated that already. Once she finds out about him playing both sides, I think she will be rather forgiving, especially since to this point, he hasn't directly helped one to the detriment of the other directly.
The brainwashing on more children I feel like is not as big of a deal. Yes it's underhanded, but I don't think she would react horrifically if she found out.

Alice being a masochist is implied at most, and even then, this helps nothing. It's not like we even hear a word from her before she is sent back with no memory of the incident. And even without the injury, the degree of threat, especially to someone the MC cares about is too high to overlook as easily as he did.

And though I tried to hint at it, I will state it plainly. This is not a matter of power. Storywise, yes, the MC cannot win a direct fight. But he could rightly convince Naamah that it was in her interest to work with him instead of going for the stupid blackmail option, especially given the fact he could at any point (even if at great temporary loss to himself), sabotage their entire plan by severing the energy connection to the egg, or even bringing in LOCO or pointing the Queteshians and other factions friendly to him in the direction of the Tower. Or just fucking with the portal network to cut of Naamah for good.

The MC being toyed with by everyone around him from Erevi, to Victoria, to Venomina, to the vampires was excusable and understandable early on in the story. At this point, he is smart enough and has reason enough to actually stand up for himself strongly.
Erevi may care for MC but she is a devout Nergalite & makes it pretty clear she has never relied on another person before. I feel if she finds out he has been helping the followers of the "whore goddess" she will be pissed! Sure it's probably gonna happen eventually but MC probably wants to avoid such fallout. Hopfully when Erevi does find out it will be in a more convenient situation for MC. Her feelings for MC may not trump her loyalty to her god.

I agree about Alice (girl is definitely mind-fucked at this point) & MC only helped Naamah cos he knows he had little choice in the matter. As you said hes smart when he wants & he realised he was in a shot situation. But at least he could get Alice out & keep his secret if he helped. Hes also a massive horndog so the second Naamah showed interest hes most likley thinking what we all were, "why the fuck not? Might as well get somwthing". By worshipping Naamah he gets demon pussy & keeps her on side, hopfully until MC can figure something out later(?)

Naamah has been onto MC for a while. He cannot do anything against her without risking loss of Erevi & ED. He has obviously grown to care for them both. Erevi would never forgive MC sabotaging Nergal's plan & an attack on the Tower runs the risk of them dying. MC was in a difficult situation & was offered a way to fix it (short term) in the moment & he took it. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that no matter how cunning he can be or skilled hes become hes still just a horny farm boy. Hes not knight in shrinking armour. Hes come along way from being everyone's toy at this point I agree but at the same time Naamah is likley one of the strongest entities hes come across so far, this is essentially a reality to check reminding MC that hes still not top of the hill here. Which he should remember now that gods are getting involved.


Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
So far MC has been able to fight every beast & being that has crossed him. But Naamah is a true Succubus, a powerful demoness of desire & sex, who also has the power to not only wipe the floor with MC but also ruin his life. I agree that her telling Nergal isnt the major threat for MC, its Erevi & ED finding out.
he had trouble fighting Reanna and numerically speaking there are 52 levels of difference between the vampiress and Namaah
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
No need to fight, he can manouver the situation by pointing out who is actually holding the cards here. He is not only vital to Nergal's plan, but has many other allies, from Vixienatrix, to LOCO, to the Queteshians, to the goblins, etc.
Again, the MC had his share of being knocked around by larger forces, and had the time and capacity to evolve beyond that, especially in a situation like this one.
You cant go threatening a powerful demoness with an ego when she has a person you care for in her possession... she could have killed Alice or worse to prove a point. All the enemies he has overcome were either mortal creature (flesh & blood) or lesser demons. Also MC has done the majority if what he was needed to by Nergal. Nergal needed him yo make a mortal-demon to conceive his Champion. Champion is currently growing in a pod. We havent heard anything else on what the chosen one is for... Nergal might not NEED MC anymore.


Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
Erevi may care for MC but she is a devout Nergalite & makes it pretty clear she has never relied on another person before. I feel if she finds out he has been helping the followers of the "whore goddess" she will be pissed! Sure it's probably gonna happen eventually but MC probably wants to avoid such fallout. Hopfully when Erevi does find out it will be in a more convenient situation for MC. Her feelings for MC may not trump her loyalty to her god.
she zapped MC for suggesting she'd be bait for Dolph, I don't think Erevi would forgive MC for siding with the temple...
an attack on the Tower
would be suicide as the only entrance is through the bridge,and it has lightning defending it. Once inside the attackers would have to deal with Bolon, Erevi and ED' spells, venomina and her spiders...there is a reason the tower wasn't razed to the ground at the end of the goblin war


Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
You cant go threatening a powerful demoness with an ego when she has a person you care for in her possession... she could have killed Alice or worse to prove a point. All the enemies he has overcome were either mortal creature (flesh & blood) or lesser demons. Also MC has done the majority if what he was needed to by Nergal. Nergal needed him yo make a mortal-demon to conceive his Champion. Champion is currently growing in a pod. We havent heard anything else on what the chosen one is for... Nergal might not NEED MC anymore.
And killing Alice would seal any possibility of the MC doing anything but going all out on the revenge.
Maybe it's too much to expect, but can't both of the characters involved be smarter for once, and realize that playing a game of chicken with stakes that high is plain dumb? For Naamah, it's stupid to antagonize the MC without reason and expect his cooperation and worship. For the MC, it is stupid to fold like a wet blanket when he could try to stand up for himself and work out a proper deal.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
And killing Alice would seal any possibility of the MC doing anything but going all out on the revenge.
Maybe it's too much to expect, but can't both of the characters involved be smarter for once, and realize that playing a game of chicken with stakes that high is plain dumb? For Naamah, it's stupid to antagonize the MC without reason and expect his cooperation and worship. For the MC, it is stupid to fold like a wet blanket when he could try to stand up for himself and work out a proper deal.
It's a hostage situation. Naamah could kill Alice & lose her only card or she can just NOT give Alice back. She offered MC a way to get her back & held her side of the began. Had MC tried to fight she has no use for either of them, she would just kill Alice & MC, then let Nergal know his "chosen one" was playing double agent. Nergal might have a set back in his plot but as long as the Cahmpion is born that's the main goal. Erevi & ED would probably learn from Nergal or Naamah of MC's "betrayal". Ad you said MC isnt stupid when it comes to things that matter & he was walking the fine line of being Alice's hero & not losing everything hes work so hard to achieve. I'm not saying it's a perfectly written scene. I'm just saying in the moment MC most likely decided it's the lesser evil out of all potential outcomes.

Naamah is also an egotistical being that wants to be worshipped. Hopfully MC can use his "worship" to get some pussy & build his case against her if he needs to put her in her place later. One thing I've learned about this game is if there is a power dynamic where the LI is higher than MC it will later, either balance out or switch entirely.
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Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
Quest idea : " A better mage"
From: Namaah
Location: Namaah's palace
difficulty: very hard

Description: Namaah offered to teach me magc, if only I dealt with the anciemt guards that attacked her palace. She trapped them in the power station, I'll have to pass through the bsrrier and dismantle the units and collect the cores. Namaah will se them to help me channel more mana,

- enter the power station
- dismantle the ancient guards
- bring 3 power cores to Namaah
- "worship" Namaah

Reward :
- powerfull spells


Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
But Namaah had a good reason, MC is a traitor. His fate was in her hands and Alice was evidence of his treason
In the sense of getting what she wants from him. Selling out the MC gets her nothing, working with him does.
Besides, was there really any question that he would not still help her once Alice was returned unconditionally?
Not only does the MC realize it would help the Nergal side, and he would get some pussy out of it, but Naamah should be perfectly aware of what kind of guy he is, given she knows so much already about him.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Quest idea : " A better mage"
From: Namaah
Location: Namaah's palace
difficulty: very hard

Description: Namaah offered to teach me magc, if only I dealt with the anciemt guards that attacked her palace. She trapped them in the power station, I'll have to pass through the bsrrier and dismantle the units and collect the cores. Namaah will se them to help me channel more mana,

- enter the power station
- dismantle the ancient guards
- bring 3 power cores to Namaah
- "worship" Namaah

Reward :
- powerfull spells

But MC does deal with the Ancient Guards in the Powerstation? Instead if reusing that zone mabey Naamah takes MC to another Ancient ruin that has Guards. Apart from that one gripe it's a solid idea. Might as well get SOMETHING useful from her.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
In the sense of getting what she wants from him. Selling out the MC gets her nothing, working with him does.
Besides, was there really any question that he would not still help her once Alice was returned unconditionally?
Not only does the MC realize it would help the Nergal side, and he would get some pussy out of it, but Naamah should be perfectly aware of what kind of guy he is, given she knows so much already about him.
There was a condition tho. Naamah said her minions will throw Alice through the portal AFTER he helps her claim the Powerstation. So she was still held captive, feet away from freedom. And sure she gets more from MC if he does help her but it's no real loss to her if he dosent. If she kills MC sh e has enough proof to convince Nergal it was in his benefit, that she was working in his favor. If MC sides with her she can work towards her own goals with MC's help.

Also shes obviously got her own agenda going in so its possible she set up the meeting to force MC to get the ID device from LOCO so he would come to her without involving Nergal. Shes definitely scheming behind her Lord's back.
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Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
Also shes obviously got her own agenda going in so its possible she set up the meeting to force MC to get the ID device from LOCO so he would come to her without involving Nergal. Shes definitely scheming behind her Lord's back.
the more we talk about it, the more I'm convinced Nergal didn't want the war but his lieutenants misunderstood his orders an istigated by LoL's forces started the goblin war. I'd dare to speculate that Erevi is recieving instructions from Naamah and not Nergal
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
the more we talk about it, the more I'm convinced Nergal didn't want the war but his lieutenants misunderstood his orders an istigated by LoL's forces started the goblin war. I'd dare to speculate that Erevi is recieving instructions from Naamah and not Nergal
I feel Nergal most likley did want the war, only because his ego/pride was hurt over Qetesh cheating on him with a mortal. Dosent mean others aren't using this conflict for their own gain.

Qetesh is a positive being, one leaning closer to the angelic which probably didnt sit well with Nergal's followers tbh so the second they were given the go ahead they would definitely go all out on the slaughter! But Nergal's direct minions are demons so I wouldnt put it past the smarter, stronger ones to have their own agenda, clawing & backstabbing their way up the ranks while kicking their rivals back down. Naamah having her own agenda makes sense (especially if my theory in how gods in this setting work is correct). Naamah is definetly working her own plans & intends to use MC for her own goals. Wether this will actively oppose her lord or merely put herself in a greater position of power is yet to be seen. But let's be honest, you can never truly truse demons. Not even those in you're own service.

I would not be surprised to find out the Lord of Light had something to do with, or was the mastermind behind, triggering the war. If we believe he has a Sis-Con & that hes as prudish as he seems (the way he holds chastity, celibacy & marriage at such high standards), combined these elements & we have a figure of great jealousy. Also for LoL it would be 2 birds, 1 stone. The war has left his sister with no followers capable of active worship & her memory basically forgotten which puts her in a weakened, desperate state, the weaker she is the more LoL can try to push her to his side & to join him, if only to gain a sliver of his followers worship. But the war also triggered a mass slaughter against Nergal's followers, crippling the demon god (who embodies everything LoL HATES).

Wouldnt be surprised to find hes the main Big Bad at the end.


Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
I would not be surprised to find out the Lord of Light had something to do with, or was the mastermind behind, triggering the war. If we believe he has a Sis-Con & that hes as prudish as he seems (the way he holds chastity, celibacy & marriage at such high standards), combined these elements & we have a figure of great jealousy. Also for LoL it would be 2 birds, 1 stone. The war has left his sister with no followers capable of active worship & her memory basically forgotten which puts her in a weakened, desperate state, the weaker she is the more LoL can try to push her to his side & to join him, if only to gain a sliver of his followers worship. But the war also triggered a mass slaughter against Nergal's followers, crippling the demon god (who embodies everything LoL HATES).

Wouldnt be surprised to find hes the main Big Bad at the end.
I see the main menu image as spoiler for things to come. MC is brandishing a fork against a ray of light while ziva and Erevi look up to him. That looks like MC united the 2 factions and is fighting the LoL.
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
I'll just round this discussion out by saying that I am a great appreciator of characters who are consistently (and not situationally) written to be smart, and consider that to be an expression of great skill on the part of the writer.
You don't see it often, and it's something of a lost art by this point.
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Stringy Bob

Apr 12, 2021
How the hell do you get through the 1st room of The Crown of Sorcery? Been a while since I last played this, don't have my old saves & keep getting fried.


Nov 20, 2017
Honestly, I feel like the problem could've been avoided by making MC fold to her to save Alice, while also making a choice about whether or not he wants to take revenge one day

Making him simply fold without real desire of revenge makes me feel like MC doesn't care as much about Alice
Would he had reacted the same if it was an actual "important" girl, like Everi for example?
The revenge could be something small like MC wanting to become the dominant one in their relationship, for example

But to be honest, I'm not a fan of how the game lets you get every girl without any actual justification or consequence, if it was a world where sex is everywhere, I wouldn't mind as much, but here, it's more of a classic medieval fantasy setting (but on the poor people's side of things mostly)

It's a bit hard to explain, but I don't like how the developer doesn't want to make an actual choice between "choose the ones you care about the most" (by making some choices where you can't have both, for example with the giant girls), or "make a big happy harem" (by making everyone aware of the situation and agreeing with it)
It makes the MC care about all the girls, yet despite that, try to hide his relationship no matter what, and the girls don't like it when they find out, until they don't mind it anymore because they made up with sex or whatever

There's also the girls with actual choices, but they are mostly "remove her from the story for no reward" or "make her your lover"
For example, I feel like the choice to let Oksana keep her religion would've had a much better payoff in the end, instead of simply making her yet another Qetesh priestess (it can still happen tho, mind you, but I don't think it will at this point)

But that's not really the subject here to be fair, and I could probably talk for hours about what I like and what I don't like about the character writing in this game
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